Brienza, S. D., 'Perilous Journeys on Beckett’s Stages' in Burkman, K. H., (Ed.) Myth and Ritual in the Plays of Samuel Beckett (London and Toronto: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1987), p 28-49. Referenced in Sion, I., ‘The Shape of the Beckettian Self: Godot and the Jungian Mandala[permanent dead link]’ in Consciousness, Literature and the Arts, Vol 7 No 1, April 2006
Camus, A., The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays, translated by Justin O'Brien (New York: Alfred Knopf, 1967), p. 141. "Here, 'lucidity,’ Camus' best synonym for knowledge, does not require self-consciousness. It is equivalent to 'sure of his desires.' Lucidity is the knowledge of life, which is confident of itself, not necessarily the knowledge of life, which is correct in some technical sense". – Edward G. Lawry, Knowledge as Lucidity: "Summer in Algiers"
Ackerley, C., Samuel Beckett and Mathematics, p 18. (Originally published in Cuadernos de literatura Inglesa y Norteamericana (Buenos Aires) 3.1-2 (Mayo-November 1998), pp 77-102)
The version published in 1992 in French by Les Éditions de Minuit instructs the characters to walk anti-clockwise when walking around the centre point (diagram page 15), but a 1981 television version, produced by Beckett (available on YouTube: Quad I+II (play for TV)) shows the characters walking anti-clockwise around the perimeter of the square and clockwise around the centre point.