Lewis Gompertz, 'Fragments in Defence of Animals, and Essays on Morals, Souls and Future State' (London: Horsell, 1852), pp 174–175; Edward G. Fairholme and Wellesley Pain, A Century of Work For Animals: The History of the RSPCA, 1824–1934 (London: John Murray, 1934), p 54.
Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, The Creation of Man: A Sermon preached at Whitehall Chapel 9 July 1865(Oxford; London: Parker, 1865); Moss, Valiant Crusade, 205.
Sarah Burdett, The Rights of Animals; or, The Responsibility and Obligation of Man in the treatment he is bound to observe towards the animal creation(London: John Mortimer, 1839).
Copping, Jasper (12 March 2006). "Back off Badgers campaign". The Daily Telegraph. London. Archived from the original on 12 January 2022. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
See Rod Preece, "Darwinism, Christianity, and the Great Vivisection Debate," Journal of the History of Ideas 64/3 (2003): 399–419. Boddice, A History of Attitudes and Behaviours Toward Animals in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Britain, pp 304-339.
Flegel, Monica (2012). "'How Does Your Collar Suit Me?': The Human Animal in the RSPCA'S 'Animal World' and 'Band of Mercy'". Victorian Literature and Culture. 40 (1): 247–262. JSTOR41413831.
Copping, Jasper (12 March 2006). "Back off Badgers campaign". The Daily Telegraph. London. Archived from the original on 12 January 2022. Retrieved 13 March 2013.