Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ramon Llull" in English language version.
Pendant cette même année 1257, il écrivit la Doctrina Pueril, son premiére grand ouvrage pédagogique, qu'il dédie à son fils, Domènec.
In 1257 he married Blanca Picany, who belonged to another Catalan family settled in Majorca, with whom he had two children, Domènec and Magdalena.
Ramon contrajo matrimonio con una mujer de su misma posición -Blanca Picany- y tuvieron dos hijos, Domènec y Magdalena.
In 1257 he married Blanca Picany, who belonged to another Catalan family settled in Majorca, with whom he had two children, Domènec and Magdalena.