Horizone Europe program analysis includes the Monitoring the impact of EU Framework Programs report, report where he has participated as an advisor to the European Commission for the realization of the impact assessment indicators of social impact of the research.
Workaló research is quoted on p. 23 – as a research reference in
the elaboration of "Pla Integral del Poble Gitano" of Catalonia government.
Bhabha, J., Fuller, A., Margareta Matache, J., Vranješević, E., Chernoff, M. C., Spasić, B., & Ivanis, J. (2011). R eclaiming Adolescence: A Roma Youth Perspective . Harvard Educational Review, 87(2), 186–225. See pages 192-193.
Dafermos, M. (2018). Relating dialogue and dialectics: a philosophical perspective. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 6, 1–18. There is a reflection in relation to Flecha's contribution of the distinction of modern and postmodern racism on page A5.
Crowther, J. (2009). Real utopias in adult education . Teoría de La Educación, Educación y Cultrura En La Sociedad de La Información, 10(3), 74–89. See section 4.1.- La Verneda Sant Martí School of Adults in Catalonia.