Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ravana Rajputs" in English language version.
as also the Ravana Rajputs, a sub-set of Rajput clan
These slave communities were known by various names, such as Darogas, Chakars, Hazuris, Ravana- Rajputs, Chelas, Golas and Khawas.
According to the census report of 1921, there were 1,60,755 slaves in Rajputana, including 10,844 born domestic slaves in Bikaner and 43,100 in Jodhpur. They mostly belonged to the Chakars and Daroga classes, and were divided into many groups such as Hazurias, Ravana Rajputs, Chellas and Gollas.
Sir Pratap Singh's efforts to elevate his favorite, Hari Singh or "Hurjee," to Rajput status. Hari Singh was from the Daroga caste(Ravana Rajput)
Sir Pratap Singh's efforts to elevate his favorite, Hari Singh or "Hurjee," to Rajput status. Hari Singh was from the Daroga caste(Ravana Rajput)
Sir Pratap Singh's efforts to elevate his favorite, Hari Singh or "Hurjee," to Rajput status. Hari Singh was from the Daroga caste(Ravana Rajput)
Sir Pratap Singh's efforts to elevate his favorite, Hari Singh or "Hurjee," to Rajput status. Hari Singh was from the Daroga caste(Ravana Rajput)
रियासतकाल में राजा, राणा आदि शासकीय उपाधियों की तरह राव भी राजवर्गीय उपाधि थी। राव उपाधि से रावत, रावल, रावणा आदि कई जातियाँ बनीं राव शब्द के साथ 'णा' प्रत्यय जुड़ने से रावणा ( रावणा ) शब्द बना। 'रावणा' शब्द का अर्थ राव राजपूत (क्षत्रियत्व बोधक) समूह के वर्ण बोधकार्थ लगाया जाता है और 'णा' का अर्थ भाववाचक मानें तो राजपूती भाव वाला, क्रियावाचक मानें तो रावोक्त क्रिया वाला और जातिवाचक मानें तो राजपूत जाति वाला होता है। अतः उपरोक्त बनावटों पर ध्यान दें तो रावणा शब्द राजपूत शब्द का पर्यायवाची ही सिद्ध होता है ।
अर्थात योद्धा जाति यानी की राजाओं व सामंतों के शासन की सुरक्षा करने वाली एकमात्र जाति जिसे रावणा राजपूत नाम से जाना जाए। इस नाम की शुरुआत तत्कालीन मारवाड़ की रियासत के रीजेंट सर प्रताप सिंह राय बहादुर के संरक्षण में जोधपुर नगर के पुरबियों के बॉस में सन १९१२ में हुई है। जिस समय इस जाति के अनेकानेक लोग मारवाड़ रियासत के रीजेंट के शासन और प्रशासन में अपनी महत्वपूर्ण भागीदारी निभा रहे थे।"
रावणा राजपूत कहे जाने वाली इस जाती व अन्य पिछड़ी jaatiyon को दास प्रथा से मुक्त कराने में मारवाड़ के महाराजाधिराज श्री सर जसवंत सिंह जी साहब ने विक्रम संवत 1940 (सन 1887 ई.) के क़रीब मारवाड़ का क़ानून बनवाकर 'वशी प्रथा' व 'दास प्रथा' दोनों का अंत किया जिसके बाद सामंतवादी क्षत्रियों ने वापस समय पाकर इन प्रथाओं को दुसरे रूप में सन 1916 ई. में हरा-भरा करने का प्रयास किया. जिसे वापस हमारे श्री सर उम्मैद सिंह जी साहब बहादुर ने सन 1921 ई. में नोटिफिकेशन नं. 11 9 3 9 तारीख 21-4-1926 के द्धारा समूल रद्द कर अपनी दीं प्रजा को सामंतवादी जमीदारों से मुक्त किया(in english= In order to free this caste called Ravana Rajput and other backward castes from the slavery system, the Maharajadhiraj of Marwar Shri Sir Jaswant Singh Ji Saheb made a law of Marwar around Vikram Samvat 1940 (1887 AD) which banned 'Vashi Pratha' and 'slavery'. Both 'customs' were put to an end, after which the feudal Kshatriyas regained their time and tried to revive these practices in another form in 1916 AD. Which was brought back by our Shri Sir Umed Singh Ji Saheb Bahadur in the year 1921 AD through Notification No. 119 39 dated 21-4-1926, freed his subjects from the feudal landlords by canceling the Samul)
Sir Pratap Singh's efforts to elevate his favorite, Hari Singh or "Hurjee," to Rajput status. Hari Singh was from the Daroga caste(Ravana Rajput)
Sir Pratap Singh's efforts to elevate his favorite, Hari Singh or "Hurjee," to Rajput status. Hari Singh was from the Daroga caste(Ravana Rajput)
Gangster Anand Pal Singh, who was killed in an encounter with the police in June 2017, was not a Rajput. The Ravana Rajputs, Singh's community, are culturally similar to the Rajputs but have historically faced caste discrimination
These slave communities were known by various names, such as Darogas, Chakars, Hazuris, Ravana- Rajputs, Chelas, Golas and Khawas.
Sir Pratap Singh's efforts to elevate his favorite, Hari Singh or "Hurjee," to Rajput status. Hari Singh was from the Daroga caste(Ravana Rajput)
Sir Pratap Singh's efforts to elevate his favorite, Hari Singh or "Hurjee," to Rajput status. Hari Singh was from the Daroga caste(Ravana Rajput)