Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Red star" in English language version.
Just one day after arriving, on 16 March 1916, the first reconnaissance flight was flown by Capt. Dodd with Capt. Foulois (as an observer) on the Curtiss JN-3 S.C. No. 43. As with all of the Army's aircraft in that era, the plane carried simple markings – a red star on the tail and the large number 43 painted on the sides of the fuselage.
Any person who: a) distributes, b) uses before the public at large, or c) publicly exhibits, the swastika, the insignia of the SS, the arrow cross, the sickle and hammer, the five-pointed red star or any symbol depicting the above so as to breach public peace – specifically in a way to offend the dignity of victims of totalitarian regimes and their right to sanctity – is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by custodial arrest, insofar as they did not result in a more serious criminal offense.
统计用区划代码 城乡分类代码 名称
420325211201 220 红星村委会
克孜勒陶乡 1966年成立克孜勒陶公社,1967年更名红星公社,1984年改设克孜勒陶乡。位于县城以南,距县城121千米。面积3882平方千米,人口0.8万,其中柯尔克孜族占99.16%,辖乌尔都隆窝孜、喀尔乌勒、塔尔开其克、托云都克、 塔木、喀普喀、其木干、阿尔帕勒克8个行政村。
克孜勒陶乡 1966年成立克孜勒陶公社,1967年更名红星公社,1984年改设克孜勒陶乡。位于县城以南,距县城121千米。面积3882平方千米,人口0.8万,其中柯尔克孜族占99.16%,辖乌尔都隆窝孜、喀尔乌勒、塔尔开其克、托云都克、 塔木、喀普喀、其木干、阿尔帕勒克8个行政村。