内山理名が大原麗子さん役に決定!大原麗子の人生をドラマ化「女優 麗子 炎のように」 [Rina Uchiyama has been chosen to play Reiko Ohara! Drama adaptation of Reiko Ohara's life Actress Reiko: Like a Flame]. Cinema Today (in Japanese). January 15, 2013. Retrieved September 29, 2023.
「女」ではなく「女優」として生きた…なぜ、大原麗子は孤独死を迎えたのか? [She lived as an "actress" rather than a "woman"...Why did Reiko Ohara die alone?]. FNN. June 20, 2019. Retrieved September 29, 2023.
故・大原麗子さん 95歳最愛の母「娘の墓には入らない」家族の確執 [Late Reiko Ohara's 95-year-old beloved mother says "I won't enter my daughter's grave" Family feud]. Josei Jishin (in Japanese). Retrieved September 29, 2023.
真木よう子「お騒がせ女優」の歴史を振り返るとまだまだ挽回の余地あり [Looking back at the history of Yoko Maki's "Trouble Actress", there is still room for recovery]. Weekly Women's PRIME (in Japanese). October 17, 2017. Retrieved September 29, 2023.
大原麗子さんに友人らが最期のお別れ [Reiko Ohara's friends say their final goodbyes]. Sanspo. August 23, 2009. Archived from the original on September 27, 2009.
大原麗子に難病再発!転倒し手首骨折していた [Reiko Ohara has a recurrence of her incurable disease! She had fallen and broken her wrist]. Sponichi Annex (in Japanese). November 15, 2008. Retrieved September 29, 2023.
癒やしのヒロイン大原麗子さん、2度の結婚に破れ… [Reiko Ohara, the healing heroine, is devastated by her two marriages...]. Zakzak. August 7, 2009. Archived from the original on August 29, 2015.
大原麗子さん ひっそりと、天国へ…親族、友人のみでお別れ [Reiko Ohara goes to heaven quietly... Farewell only with her relatives and friends]. Sports Hochi. Archived from the original on August 10, 2009.
大原麗子さんに友人らが最期のお別れ [Reiko Ohara's friends say their final goodbyes]. Sanspo. August 23, 2009. Archived from the original on September 27, 2009.
大原麗子さん ひっそりと、天国へ…親族、友人のみでお別れ [Reiko Ohara goes to heaven quietly... Farewell only with her relatives and friends]. Sports Hochi. Archived from the original on August 10, 2009.
癒やしのヒロイン大原麗子さん、2度の結婚に破れ… [Reiko Ohara, the healing heroine, is devastated by her two marriages...]. Zakzak. August 7, 2009. Archived from the original on August 29, 2015.