Richard Tottel (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Richard Tottel" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
5th place
5th place
27th place
51st place

  • Henrici [Henry] de Bracton (1569), T.N. (ed.), De legibus & consuetudinibus Angliæ libri quinq[ue]; in varios tractatus distincti, ad diuersorum et vetustissimorum codicum collationem, ingenti cura, nunc primu[m] typis vulgati: quorum quid cuiq[ue]; insit, proxima pagina demonstrabit [Five books on the laws and customs of England; divided into various treatises, in order to make a collection of diverse and most ancient books, with great care, now for the first time in vulgate type: what is in each of them, the next page will show] (1st ed.), London: Apud Richardum Tottellum [At the house of Richard Tottel], OCLC 41109107.