"News Centre – News Centre". Cardiff.ac.uk. 9 February 2012. Retrieved 16 February 2012.The "Prescot Renaissance" webpage of Liverpool John Moores University says that their research "has also taken place in dialogue with others involved in the overall project, especially Professor Richard Wilson (Cardiff) whose influential research into Shakespeare's possible connections to Lancashire is centrally important" http://www.ljmu.ac.uk/HSS/122823.htm Retrieved 19 April 2012
"News Centre – News Centre". Cardiff.ac.uk. 9 February 2012. Retrieved 16 February 2012.The "Prescot Renaissance" webpage of Liverpool John Moores University says that their research "has also taken place in dialogue with others involved in the overall project, especially Professor Richard Wilson (Cardiff) whose influential research into Shakespeare's possible connections to Lancashire is centrally important" http://www.ljmu.ac.uk/HSS/122823.htm Retrieved 19 April 2012