Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Robert H. Ingersoll" in English language version.
Robert H. Ingersoll, watch manufacturer and originator of the Ingersoll dollar watch, died yesterday at a sanitarium, where he had been a patient ...
William H. Ingersoll of 527 Willow Avenue, Garwood, N.J., a former partner in Robert H. Ingersoll Bro., makers of the famous "dollar watch," and later a leading advocate of price maintenance, died here yesterday afternoon of a heart attack while changing a tire on his automobile at the corner of Edison Place and McCarter Highway. He was 66 years old. ...
Wife of Watch Manufacturer Wounds W.M. Probasco in Quarrel, Turns Gun on Self. Tragedy In Park Av. Home. Shooting Laid to Her Anger at Break Because He Had Become Reconciled With Wife. Families Long Divided. Mrs. Ingersoll Had Been Married 22 Years, Wounded Man 14. He Is In Bellevue Seriously Hurt. Mrs. Robert Hawley Ingersoll, wife of the retired watch manufacturer, was found dead with a bullet through her breast yesterday afternoon in her apartment at 55 Park Avenue. Lying on the floor of an adjoining room was Wallace M. Probasco of 72 Irving Place with two bullet wounds in his breast and with his right arm broken by another bullet.
Robert H. Ingersoll Brother, manufacturers of the Ingersoll "dollar watch" were placed in the hands of a receiver yesterday by Federal Judge Augustus N. Hand. The liabilities are approximately $3,000,000 and assets about $2,000,000. Edward S.H. Child, attorney, 59 Wall Street, was appointed receiver. ...