Robert Hunt (critic) (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Robert Hunt (critic)" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
3rd place
3rd place
27th place
51st place

  • Myrone, Martin (2005). Bodybuilding: reforming masculinities in British art 1750–1810. Yale University Press. p. 308. ISBN 978-0-300-11005-0. Retrieved 2 December 2010.
  • Damon, Samuel Foster; Eaves, Morris (1988). A Blake dictionary: the ideas and symbols of William Blake. UPNE. pp. 102–3. ISBN 978-0-87451-436-0. Retrieved 2 December 2010.
  • Blake, William; Essick, Robert N.; Viscomi, Joseph (4 September 1998). Milton a poem, and the final illuminated works: The ghost of Abel, On Homers poetry, [and] On Virgil, Laocoön. Princeton University Press. p. 151. ISBN 978-0-691-00148-7. Retrieved 2 December 2010.