Roman Catholic Diocese of Alet (English Wikipedia)

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  • Bullarum diplomatum et privilegiorum sanctorum Romanorum pontificum Taurensis editio (in Latin). Vol. Tomus IV. Turin: Seb. Franco. 1859. pp. 247–249.
  • Auguste Coulon (1900). Lettres secrètes & curiales du pape Jean XXII (1316-1334): relatives à la France, extaites des registres du Vatican (in French and Latin). Vol. Tome I. Paris: A. Fontemoing. pp. 490–491, no. 566, with note 1.
  • Paul Pisani (1907). Répertoire biographique de l'épiscopat constitutionnel (1791-1802) (in French). Paris: A. Picard et fils. p. 371.
  • Pius VI; Pius VII (1821). Collectio (per epitomen facta,) Bullarum, Brevium, Allocutionum, Epistolarumque, ... Pii VI., contra constitutionem civilem Cleri Gallicani, ejusque authores et fautores; item, Concordatorum inter ... Pium VII. et Gubernium Rei publicae, in Galliis, atque alia varia regimina, post modum in hac regione, sibi succedentia; tum expostulationum ... apud ... Pium Papam VII., Contra varia Acta, ad Ecclesiam Gallicanam, spectantia, a triginta et octo Episcopis, Archiepiscop. et Cardinal. antiquae Ecclesiae Gallicanae, subscriptarum, etc. 6 Avril, 1803 (in Latin). London: Cox & Baylis. pp. 111–121. Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 206, note 1.
  • On 1 June 1318, immediately after his installation as Bishop of Alet, Barthélemy was sent by Pope John XXII to Lithuania, to evangelize King Gedeminnus, at the king's request. In 1319 he sat as an assessor on the bench of bishops who tried Bernard Delicieux. Barthélemy is last heard of in 1329. Edmond Martène; Ursin Durand (1717). Thesaurus novus anecdotorum (in Latin). Vol. Tomus primus. Paris. pp. 1349–1350. Claude Devic; J. Vaissete (1885). Histoire générale de Languedoc avec notes et pièces justificatives (in French). Vol. Tome neuvieme (9). Toulouse: Privat. p. 393. Gallia christiana VI, p. 274-275. Gams, p. 486 column 1. Eubel, I, p. 236.
  • Claude de Vic; Joseph Vaissète (1844). Histoire générale du Languedoc avec des notes et les pièces justificatives: De 1184 à 1234 environ (in French). Vol. Tome septieme (7). Toulouse: J. B. Paya. pp. "Additions et notes", p. 39.
  • Claude de Vic; Joseph Vaissète (1844). Histoire générale du Languedoc avec des notes et les pièces justificatives: De 1184 à 1234 environ (in French). Vol. Tome septieme (7). Toulouse: J. B. Paya. pp. "Additions et notes", p. 39.
  • Henri, who had been elected to the diocese of Constance, was previously Bishop of Valence (1388–1390). Even after the Council of Constance, where Pope Martin V was elected, Henri Bayler followed the obedience of Benedict XIII. Gallia christiana VI, p. 276-277. Noël Valois (1896). La France et le grand schisme d'Occident (in French). Paris: Alphonse Picard. pp. 307–308. Eubel, I, p. 237 with note 6; 513.
  • In the election following the death of Bishop Guillaume de Rupe, the Chapter elected Jean Dupuy and he was confirmed by the Metropolitan; he then refused the election. The Chapter then elected Pierre Raymond. But Dupuy reconsidered, and wanted to be confirmed as bishop. His desire was opposed by the King, who prevailed upon Pope Julius II to confirm Pierre Raymond, which the Pope did, on 7 July 1508. Jean Dupuy never received either the temporalities or the spiritualities of the Diocese of Alet. He maintained his pretensions until 1511, when he had to resign them in order to have his election to a new term as Abbot of Saint-Tibéry confirmed by the Papacy. Claude Devic; Joseph Vaissète (1872). Histoire générale de Languedoc avec notes et pièces justificatives... (in French). Vol. Tome quatrieme (4). Privat. p. 560. Lasserre, p. 99. Eubel, III, p. 191. notes 2 and 3.
  • Antonius Dax (d'Acqs) was one of three brothers, sons of Jean Dax, Seigneur de Leuc, de la Serpente, du Lion, d'Axat, et d'Argibues. Antoine had been a Canon and Precentor of the Cathedral Chapter, and was Abbot of Saint-Polycarpe (diocese of Narbonne) from 1529 to 1565. He served as Grand Vicar for Cardinal Charles de Bourbon-Vendôme, who was Bishop of Carcassonne 1546-1552. He was elected Bishop of Alet on 26 September 1564, and confirmed on 8 June 1565 by Pope Pius IV. Lasserre, p. 142, states that Dax died in 1572, and that, due to the Huguenots having destroyed the cathedral and driven off the Canons, an election could not be held for some time. Eubel, III, p. 193 note 11, points out that he was already a septuagenarian when appointed to the diocese of Alet on 8 June 1565, and that a successor was not appointed until 1594, there must have been a long sede vacante. Gallia christiana VI, p. 282. Louis Pierre d' Hozier; Antoine Marie d' Hozier de Sérigny (1865). Armorial général de la France (in French). Paris: Firmin Didot frères et fils. p. 187. Thomas Bouges (1741). Histoire ecclesiastique et civile de la ville et diocése de Carcassonne: avec les pièces justificatives & une notice ancienne & moderne de ce diocése (in French). Paris. p. 308.
  • Lasserre, p. 142, refers to a document from the Archives indicating that Cardinal François de Joyeuse, Archbishop of Narbonne (1581–1588) and Metropolitan of the diocese of Alet, served as Apostolic Administrator. The Papal Nuncio to France, Antonio Salviati, wrote in 1575 that the See of Alet had been vacant for a long time: Antonio Maria Salviati (1975). P. Hurtubise and R. Toupin (ed.). Correspondance du nonce en France Antonio Maria Salviati (in French and Italian). Vol. Tome II. 1574 - 1578. Rome: Gregorian Biblical BookShop. p. 354.
  • Taffoureau was born in Sens in 1655, and was a Doctor of theology (Sorbonne). He became Dean of the Cathedral Chapter of Sens, and was an Official and Vicar General. He was nominated Bishop of Alet by King Louis XIV on 1 November 1698, and was preconised (approved) by Pope Innocent XII on 5 January 1699. He was consecrated on 29 March 1699 by the Archbishop of Narbonne and the two bishops of Troyes (current and former). He died in his diocese in October 1708. Charles-Louis Richard (1760). Dictionnaire universel dogmatique, canonique, historique, géographique et chronologique des sciences ecclésiastiques par le P. Richard (in French). Vol. Tome premier. Paris. p. 121. Ritzler-Sefrin, p. 193 with note 5.