Roman Catholic Diocese of Civita Castellana (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Roman Catholic Diocese of Civita Castellana" in English language version.

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  • Otto Köhncke (1888). Wibert von Ravenna (Papst Clemens III.): ein Beitrag zur Papstgeschichte (in German). Leipzig: Veit. p. 98.
  • After the death of Bishop Joannes of Limasol (Cyprus), Guilelmus was elected the new bishop by the Chapter of the cathedral, and was confirmed and consecrated a bishop by the Archbishop of Nicosia, who was apparently unaware of Pope John XXII's decree reserving the appointment to all of the vacant benefices of all of the dioceses to the pope. In the meantime, the Chapter of Civita Castellana in complete discord; part requested the Pope to appoint Gregory of Rome to their bishopric, part requested Gottefridus of Civitella of the diocese of Orvieto. John XXII rejected both requests, and transferred Giulelmus from Limasol to Civitas Castellana, and reminded all concerned of his reservation of benefices, including bishoprics. Guilelmus was appointed by Pope John XXII on 21 February 1324. He was transferred to the diocese of Isernia (Campania) on 13 November 1331. Ughelli I, p. 598. G. Mollat, Jean XXII: Lettres communs Tome cinquième (Paris: Fontemoing 1909), pp. 80-81, no. 19037. Eubel I, pp. 190; 237; 367 with note 5.

  • Gaetano Moroni (1848). Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica da s. Pietro sino ai nostri giorni (in Italian). Vol. XLIX. Venezia: Tipografia Emiliana. pp. 182–192.
  • The election of Fra Godefredus by the Archpriest, Canons and clergy of Civita Castellana, was approved, after inspection by a committee of three cardinals, by Pope Clement V on 5 June 1307. He died in 1324 (or more likely 1323). G. Mollat, ed. (1885). Regestvm Clementis papae V (in Latin). Vol. Tomus II. Rome: ex Typographia Vaticana. pp. 36, no. 1677. Eubel I, p. 190.
  • Palmieri was a Sicilian, and a master of theology. He was named Bishop of Catanzaro on 21 December 1440, which he resigned in 1448. He was appointed Bishop of Civita Castellana on 20 June 1455 by Pope Calixtus III (Borgia). He died in 1467. Ughelli I, p. 601. Cappelletti VI, p. 53. Eubel II, pp. 121, 166. Abbondio Zuppante (1996). Niccolò Palmieri: umanista e vescovo di Orte dal 1455 al 1467 : Orte, 11 ottobre 1992. Atti delle giornate di studio per la storia della Tuscia (in Italian). Orte: Ente Ottava Medievale.
  • Burchard was a native of Strasbourg. He was Dean of the cathedral Chapter of Basel. In Rome, he was a cleric of the papal chapel, and an Abbreviator litterarum de parco minore (21 April 1506). He served for more than two decades as papal Master of Ceremonies, and left an important Diarium of his activities in that office. As a reward for his services, Pope Pius III intended to name him a bishop, but died before the documents could be signed and registered. Pope Julius II appointed him Bishop of Orte and Civita Castellana on 29 November 1503. Burchard died on 16 May 1506. Burchard, Joannes (1885). Louis Thuasne (ed.). Diarum, sive rerum urbanarum commentarii (in Latin). Vol. Tome troisième (1500-1506). Paris: E. Leroux. pp. i–xlvii. [Thuasne's biography of Burchard at pp. i-xlvii] Eubel III, p. 211 with note 4.
  • A native of Rome from the Regione Monti, Pomponio Ceci de Lellis (wrongly spelled Cesi) was named Bishop of Orte e Civita Castellana on 12 August 1538. On 20 July 1539, he had still not received his bulls of institution and consecration, though he had been authorized to take possession of the diocese. On 24 November 1539, Cecci was appointed Bishop of Nepi e Sutri by Pope Paul III. In 1538 he was named papal Vicar of the city of Rome. He was named a cardinal on 2 June 1542, but died on 4 August 1542. Lorenzo Cardella (1793), Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa Tomo IV (Rome: Pagliarini), pp. 238-239. (in Italian) Gaetano Moroni (1860). Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica (in Italian). Venezia: Tipografia Emiliana. p. 93. Rivista arcaldica (in Italian). Roma: Presso il Collegio araldico. 1908. pp. 898–899. Eubel III, pp. 28, no. 43; 211 with note 7.
  • Vincenzo Osio (1817). Ristretto della vita del venerabile servo di Dio monsignor Giovan Francesco Tenderini vescovo di Civita Castellana, ed Orte (in Italian). Roma: presso Francesco Bourlie. Michele Tavani (1870). Vita del venerabile servo di Dio mons. Gio. Francesco Tenderini vescovo di Civita Castellana ed Orte (in Italian). Roma: Tipi della Civilta Cattolica. Ritzler-Sefrin V, p. 159 with note 6.
  • Carnevalini was a native of Rome. He was a doctor of philosophy and had a licenciate in theology. He was a Canon of Santa Maria in Via Lata in Rome. He was appointed bishop by Pope Leo XIII on 24 May 1889. He died on 9 June 1895, of apoplexy. Calendario ecclesiastico (in Italian). Roma: Tip. Centenari. 1890. p. 392.