Roman Catholic Diocese of Forlì-Bertinoro (English Wikipedia)

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  • Thomas had been a Canon of the cathedral Chapter of Forlì. Following the death of Bishop Rodulphus, Thomas had been elected by the Canons. The election was confirmed by Pope John XXII on 24 September 1318. G. Mollat, Lettres communes de Jean XXII Tome deuxième (Paris: Fontemoing 1904), p. 284, no. 8456. Eubel I, p. 253.

  • Bishop Bartholomaeus subscribed the donation of Bishop Theodorus of Fermo to the monastery of Santa Croce. Casali, pp. 104-105. Bartholomaeus is recognized by Gams, p. 697 col. 1, but not by Ughelli-Coleti II, p. 576, or Cappelletti Chiese d'Italia II, p. 316. Giovanni Antonio Muratori warns that the document is at least heavily interpolated, and perhaps a falsification. Lodovico Antonio Muratori (1833). Dissertazioni sopra le antichità italiane (in Italian). Vol. Tomo primo. Firenze: Presso L. Marchini. pp. 23–24.
  • On 14 May 962, Bishop Ubertus engaged in a property transfer with the abbot of S. Mercuriale. Bishop Ubertus took part in the synod of Ravenna on 1 May 998. Sigismondo Marchesi (1678). Supplemento istorico dell'antica citta' di Forlì (in Italian). Forlì: per Gioseffo Selua. pp. 131–133. Casali, pp. 106-107. Schwartz, p. 175.
  • Bishop Rodulfus attended the synod of Ravenna on 30 April 1016. Giuseppe Luigi Amadesi (1783). Josephi Aloysii Amadesii In antistitum Ravennatum chronotaxim ab antiquissimae eius Ecclesiae exordiis ad haec usque tempora perductam disquisitiones perpetuae (in Latin). Vol. Tomus secundus. Faenza: ex typographia Josephi Antonii Archii. Schwartz, p. 176.
  • Artaud had been Provost of Forcalquier from 1365, papal treasurer in the Romandiola from 1371. He was appointed Bishop of Forlì by Pope Gregory XI on 14 July 1372. He was transferred to the diocese of Grasse in 1378, by Urban VI, and then to Sisteron on 2 May 1382. On 17 December 1404, he became Archbishop of Arles. He died on 1 November 1410. Albanès, Joseph Hyacinthe; Ulysse Chevalier (1901). Gallia christiana novissima: Arles (in Latin). Valence: Soc. anonyme d'imprimerie montbéliardasie. pp. 754–766. Eubel I, pp. 104, 253, 267, 454.
  • Tomba was titular bishop of Rhodiapolis (Lydia, Turkey) from 1832 to 1836. He was appointed bishop of Forlì on 1 February 1836. He was transferred to the archdiocese of Camerino by Pope Gregory XVI on 21 April 1845. He died on 5 February 1847. Vincenzo Stanislao Tomba (1836). Allocuzione fatta da sua eccellenza reverendissima monsignor Vincenzo Stanislao Tomba vescovo di Forli in occasione del suo solenne possesso preso nel giorno 19 marzo 1836 (in Italian). Forli: presso Luigi Bordandini. Casali, p. 156. Ritzler and Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VII, pp. 130, 197, 323.
  • Born in Assisi in 1806, Lorenzo Baldassare Luigi taught theology and was master of novices of the Benedictine monastery of S. Paolo fuori le mure in Rome. He became Prior of Farfa in 1840, and Secretary and Chancellor of the Congregation of Montecassino in 1844. Antoniacci was named Bishop of Forlì on 7 March 1853. He was appointed Titular Archbishop of Athenae pm 21 December 1857, to qualify him as papal nuncio to Brazil (1857–1863). He then served in the post of papal nuncio to Austria (1863–1873). He was named a cardinal by Pope Pius IX on 22 December 1873. He died on 29 May 1874. Ritzler and Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VIII, pp. 49, 128, 275. Martin Bräuer (2014). Handbuch der Kardinäle: 1846-2012 (in German). Berlin: De Gruyter. p. 89. ISBN 978-3-11-026947-5.
  • Svampa was born in the small commune of Montegranaro, northwest of Fermo, in 1851. He studied at seminaries in Fermo and Rome, and took a doctoral degree in theology and Civil and Canon Law at the papal institute, the Athenaeum S. Apollinaire in Rome. He taught theology and Canon Law at the seminary in Fermo, and became an honorary Canon at the cathedral there. He was named Bishop of Forlì on 23 May 1877. On 21 May 1894, at the age of 43, Svampa was appointed a cardinal as well as Archbishop of Bologna by Pope Leo XIII. He died on 10 August 1907. Ritzler and Sefrin VIII, pp. 48, 153, 275. Martin Bräuer (2014). Handbuch der Kardinäle: 1846-2012 (in German). Berlin: De Gruyter. p. 170. ISBN 978-3-11-026947-5.

  • J. D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XXIV (Venice: Zatta 1780), p. 614. Casali, p. 125.
  • Crescentius was present at the Lateran synod of Pope Martin I on 5 October 649. J. D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus X (Florence: Zatta 1764), p. 867 ("Crescentio Lybiensi"). Casali, p. 102-103.
  • Bishop Vincentius attended the Roman synod of Pope Agatho in 679, and subscribed the synodical letter which was sent to the Third Council of Constantinople of 680. J. D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XI (Florence: Zatta 1766), p. 315.
  • Bishop Apollinaris was present at the Roman synod of Pope Nicholas I on 18 November 861, to deal with Archbishop Joannes of Ravenna. J. D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XV (Florence: Zatta 1770), p. 603. Ughelli-Coleti II, p. 576.
  • Bishop Alexander was present at the Third Lateran Council of Pope Alexander III in March 1179, as a suffragan of the ecclesiastical province of Ravenna. Alessandro built the episcopal palace. In 1186, Pope Urban III (1185–1187) appointed Alexander as a judge in a local dispute. From 1188 to 1190, Bishop Alexander acted as Vicar General of the diocese of Ravenna, while its archbishop, Gerardo (1169-1190), was on crusade. J. D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XXII (Venice: Zatta 1778), p. 216. Cappelletti II, pp. 317-318. Casali, pp. 112-113. Kehr V, p. 144, no. 1.

  • In its decree Christus Dominus, section 22, it stated: "Concerning diocesan boundaries, therefore, this sacred synod decrees that, to the extent required by the good of souls, a fitting revision of diocesan boundaries be undertaken prudently and as soon as possible. This can be done by dividing dismembering or uniting them, or by changing their boundaries, or by determining a better place for the episcopal see or, finally, especially in the case of dioceses having larger cities, by providing them with a new internal organization.... At the same time the natural population units of people, together with the civil jurisdictions and social institutions that compose their organic structure, should be preserved as far as possible as units. For this reason, obviously, the territory of each diocese should be continuous."
  • Acta Apostolicae Sedis 79 (1987), pp. 713–715. (in Latin).