Vittorio Fiori, Lucera: tra cristiani e musulmani(in Italian) (self published PDF). Antonetti, "Su Bartolomeo, vescovo di Lucera," pp. 104-105.
"Bartolomeus, Dei gratia Lucerne ecclesie minister humilis" and "Ego Bartholomaeus, Lucerinus episcopus." Mattei-Cerasoli (1919), p. 312. Kamp, p. 277: "der mit dem Elekten von 1222 identisch sein dürfte, legte 1225 einen Streit mit dem Abt Balsamus von Cava um den Zins und die Exemtion der Caveser Obödienz S. Giacomo bei Lucera bei. Zu seiner Zeit begann die Ansieldlung der sizilischen Sarazenen in Lucera, durch die Bischof aus der Stadt verdrängt wurde, wenngliech er für seine Güterverluste eine Entschädigung erhielt." A bishop Bartolomeo reported in the 1260's is the result of forgery. Antonetti, "Su Bartolomeo, vescovo di Lucera," p. 104.
The bishopric of Troia was subject to a reservation made by Pope John XXII. On the death of Bishop Arnaldus, on 27 June 1322 John XXII provided (appointed) Bisantius, the Primicerius of the cathedral Chapter of Giovinazzi, who was only a subdeacon. Eubel I, p. 499. G. Mollat, Jean XXII. Lettres communes Tome XI (Paris: Fontemoing 1904), p. 220, no. 57589.
Following the death of Bishop Pietro, the cathedral Chapter met to elect a successor; eleven canons voted for Guillelmus, a Cluniac monk and Prior of the priory of the Cluniac priory of Podio (diocese of Sisteron), while two voted for Magister Bernardo da Boiano, the Archdeacon of Troia, who was then at Avignon. Thereupon Canon Beneventus, who was presiding, declared Guillelmus elected. Guillaume was duly examined by a committee of three cardinals and declared suitable. Pope Clement V confirmed the election, and performed the consecration of Guillelmus personally. He notified interested parties in letters of 12 April 1309. Eubel I, p. 499. Regestum Clementis papae V Vol. IV (Rome: Typographia Vaticana 1886), p. 76-77, no. 3940.
Following the death of Bishop Guillelmus, the cathedral Chapter met to elect a successor; after three days they could not reach a consensus, and therefore proceeded to a scrutiny, though three canons refused to participate and withdrew. The others then elected Beraldus, parish priest of the ecclesia de Salis in the diocese of Toulouse. A delegation carried the electoral certificate to Avignon, and Pope Clement appointed the customary committee of three cardinals to examine the election and the candidate. A technical error as to the age of Beraldus (26 or 36) was found, and a public meeting was held by the pope to determine the matter. No one raised objections, and therefore the pope confirmed the election. The Bishop of Ostia, Nicolaus Alberti, was delegated to consecrate Beraldus a bishop, and three cardinals assigned to invest him with the pallium. Pope Clement signed a letter attesting to the full facts on 12 June 1311. Eubel I, p. 499. Regestum Clementis papae V, Vol. VI: Annus sextus (Rome: Typographia Vaticana 1887), pp. 210-212, no. 7032.
Aldobrandini, the nephew of Cardinal Niccolò Ardinghelli, was a canon of San Lorenzo in Florence, and of the cathedral of Florence (1551–1607). He held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure, and was Auditor of the papal legation to Tuscany. He served as Rector of Ancona and of Fano. Pope Sixtus V appointed him a Referendary of the Tribunal of the Two Signatures in the Roman Curia. He was appointed bishop of Troia by Pope Clement VIII (Aldobrandini) on 15 November 1593. He served as papal Nuncio in Naples. He died in Florence on 10 March 1606 (according to Salvini), and is buried in San Lorenzo. Ughhelli I, p. 1348. Salvino Salvini (1782), Catalogo cronologico de' canonici della chiesa metropolitana fiorentina (Florence: Gaetano Cambiagi), p. 93, no. 583. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, p. 346.
Cavalieri was born in Naples in 1663, and was the maternal uncle of Alfonsus Maria de Ligouri. He held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure. He was a consultor of the Holy Inquisition of Naples. He was appointed bishop of Troia on (19 April 1694), and consecrated in Rome on 2 May by Cardinal Ferdinando de Abdua. He died in Troia on 11 August 1726. Giovanni Rossi (1741), Della vita di monsignor D. Emilio Giacomo Cavalieri della Congregazione de' Pij Operari vescovo di Troia,(in Italian), Napoli: Carlo Salzano e Francesco Castaldo soci, 1741. Ritzler and Sefrin V, p. 392 with note 4. Domenico Vizzari (1976), Emilio Cavalieri da inquisitore napoletanao a vescovo di Troia,(in Italian), 1976. Domenico Vizzari (1982), Monsignor Emilio Giacomo Cavalieri dei pii operai - Vescovo di Troia : note,(in Italian), Ardor, Montalto Uffugo, 1982.
Bishop Stephanus attended the Roman synod of Pope Nicholas II in April 1059. Ughelli I, pp. 1344-1345. J.D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XIX, p. 912, 919.
Tempesta was a native of San Donato (diocese of Sora). He was appointed titular bishop of Sura and auxiliary bishop of Aquino, Sora e Montecavo on 22 December 1882. He was transferred to the diocese of Trivento on 14 March 1887 by Pope Leo XIII. On 4 June 1891, he was transferred to the diocese of Troia. He died in Troia on 23 April 1899. Ritzler and Sefrin VIII, pp. 530, 567, 569. André Chapeau, Charles N. Bransom Jr., "Franciscan Bishops,"Franciscan Studies, Vol. 47 (1987), pp. 287-372, at p. 364, no. 104.
Christus Dominus 40. Therefore, in order to accomplish these aims this sacred synod decrees as follows: 1) The boundaries of ecclesiastical provinces are to be submitted to an early review and the rights and privileges of metropolitans are to be defined by new and suitable norms. 2) As a general rule all dioceses and other territorial divisions that are by law equivalent to dioceses should be attached to an ecclesiastical province. Therefore dioceses which are now directly subject to the Apostolic See and which are not united to any other are either to be brought together to form a new ecclesiastical province, if that be possible, or else attached to that province which is nearer or more convenient. They are to be made subject to the metropolitan jurisdiction of the bishop, in keeping with the norms of the common law. 3) Wherever advantageous, ecclesiastical provinces should be grouped into ecclesiastical regions for the structure of which juridical provision is to be made.
The bull Eo quod spirituales(in Latin), in: Acta Apostolicae Sedis 68 (1976), pp. 678-680. (in Latin)