Philippus Jaffe (1885). S. Loewenfeld (ed.). Regesta pontificum romanorum ab condita ecclesia ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII (in Latin) (secunda ed.). Leipzig: Veit. p. 560. J.D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XIX (Venice: A. Zatta 1774), pp. 919-922. Carl Joseph Hefele (1871), (tr. Delarc), Histoire des Conciles(in French) Volume 6 (Paris: Adrien Leclere), pp. 388-392.
Saracenus was a canon of the cathedral Chapter of Melfi, and a chaplain of the Bishop of Sabina, Cardinal Petrus Roderici. On the death of Bishop Sinibaldo, the Chapter met to choose his successor, "de antiqua et approbata et hactenus observata consuetudine". A dispute arose, and two candidates were chosen by two factions: Sinibaldo and Gervasius de Mellomonte, a canon of Evreux. The two candidates placed the matter in the hands of Pope Boniface VIII, who chose Sinibaldo. The pope notified interested parties in a letter of 4 August 1295. Ughelli I, p. 930-931, no. 14. Antoine Thomas, Les registres de Boniface VIII Fascicule 1 (Paris: E. de Boccard 1884), p. 123, no. 350. Eubel I, p. 334.
Constantinus: On 2 February 1317, Pope John XXII wrote a letter to the archbishop of Naples, empowering him to investigate the canonical election of Constantinus of Reggio, Dean of the church of Squillace, to the bishopric of Melfi. If he found the election irregular, he was ordered to void it; otherwise, he was to confirm the election with papal authority. G. Mollat, Jean XXII: Lettres communes Vol. I (Paris: Fontemoing 1904), p. 248, no. 2670. Eubel I, p. 334.
Following the death of Bishop Constantinus, the Chapter of Melfi met and elected Guillelmus, the Provost of Riez and papal chaplain. The election was approved by Pope John XXII in a letter of 19 March 1324. Eubel I, p. 324. G. Mollat, Jean XXII: Lettres communes Vol. V (Paris: Fontemoing 1909), p. 93, no. 19156.
Alexander had been Prior General of the Order of the Hermits of S. Augustine (O.E.S.A. Following the report of the death of Bishop Guillelmus, Pope John XXII provided (appointed) him to the reserved see of Melfi on 18 February 1326. Bishop Alexander died in Avignon before 6 October 1326. Eubel I, p. 324. G. Mollat, Jean XXII: Lettres communes Vol. VI (Paris: Fontemoing 1912), p. 106, no. 24426; p. 333, no. 26686.
Monaldus was provided (appointed) by Pope John XXII on 6 October 1326. He died in 1331. Ughelli I, pp. 932-933, no. 18. Eubel I, p. 334. G. Mollat, Jean XXII: Lettres communes Vol. VI (Paris: Fontemoing 1912), p. 333, no. 26686.
Following the death of Bishop Monaldus, Jacobus, Archdeacon of Aversa, in diaconal orders, was provided (appointed) Bishop of Melfi by Pope John XXII, in a letter of 21 December 1331. Ughelli I, p. 933, no. 19. Eubel I, p. 334. G. Mollat, Jean XXII: Lettres communes Vol. XI (Paris: E. de Boccard 1931), p. 106, no. 56007.
Philippus Jaffe (1885). S. Loewenfeld (ed.). Regesta pontificum romanorum ab condita ecclesia ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII (in Latin) (secunda ed.). Leipzig: Veit. p. 560. J.D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XIX (Venice: A. Zatta 1774), pp. 919-922. Carl Joseph Hefele (1871), (tr. Delarc), Histoire des Conciles(in French) Volume 6 (Paris: Adrien Leclere), pp. 388-392.
D'Avino, p. 330, column 1. Carl Joseph Hefele (1871), (tr. Delarc), Histoire des Conciles(in French) Volume 6 (Paris: Adrien Leclere), p. 440. J.D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XIX (Venice: A. Zatta 1774), pp. 1063-1064.
D'Avino, pp. 330-331. Carl Joseph Hefele (1872), Histoire des Conciles(in French) Volume 7 (Paris: Adrien Leclere), pp. 9-10.