Roman Catholic Diocese of Novara (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Roman Catholic Diocese of Novara" in English language version.

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  • Savio, p. 261. Weber, p. 96. Th. Sickel, ed. (1879). Monumenta Germaniae historica: Die Urkunden Konrad I., Heinrich I und Otto I. Diplomata Regum et Imperatorum Germaniae (in German and Latin). Vol. Tomus I. Hannover: impensis Bibliopolii Hahniani. pp. 565–567, no. 414.
  • Acta Ecclesiae Mediolanensis Tomus secundus (in Latin), (Anissoniana et Joan. Posuel, 1683), pp. 1254-1255.
  • Acta Ecclesiae Mediolanensis, (in Latin), Volume 1 (Milan: P. Pagnonio, 1843), p. 206.
  • Acta ecclesiae Mediolanensis (Pavia: Typis seminarii J. Manfre, 1754), p. 251.
  • Acta Ecclesiae Mediolanensis a S. Carolo Card: Archiep. Condita Volume 1 Pagnonius, 1843), p. 328.
  • Acta ecclesiae Mediolanensis (Pavia: Typis seminarii J. Manfre, 1754), p. 358.
  • Benedictus XIV (1842). "Lib. I. caput secundum. De Synodi Dioecesanae utilitate". Benedicti XIV ... De Synodo dioecesana libri tredecim (in Latin). Vol. Tomus primus. Mechlin: Hanicq. pp. 42–49. George Phillips (1849). Die Diöcesansynode (in German). Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder. pp. 1–23.
  • Vincenzo de Vit, Il Lago Maggiore, Stresa e le isole Borromee, (in Italian and Latin) Volume 2, parte 2 (Prato: Alberghetti, 1878), Documento XIII, pp. 307-315.
  • Synodus dioecesana Novariensis, ab emmo et rev" d. d. Josepho divina miseratione tituli s. Mariæ Angelorum s. R. e. presb. cardinali Morozzo archiepº-episcopo Novariensi, principe S. Julii, Hortæ et Vespolati, habita diebus 11, 12 et 13 iulii anno 1826. (in Latin). (Novariæ, ex typographia Josephi Rasarii [1826]).
  • The same action was authorized with respect to the diocese of Vigevano. Pius VII (1849). Andreas Barberi and Rinaldo Secreti (ed.). Bullarii Romani continuatio (in Latin). Vol. Tomus decimus quartus. Roma. pp. 387–388.
  • Ernustus sat for one year, six months and five days. Savio, pp. 241, 257. G.B. Morandi, "Le Pergamene del Museo civico," Bolletino storico per la provincia di Novara 6 (1911), pp. 76-77.
  • Riccardus, a papal supporter, ruled 6 years, 10 months, and 24 days. He took part in a provincial synod in Milan on 3 November 1119. He died on 25 July 1122. Giorgio Giulini, Memorie Spettanti Alla Storia, Al Governo, Ed Alla Descrizione Della Città, e della Campagna di Milano Ne' Secoli Bassi, Parte 5 (Milano: Apresso Giambattista Bianchi Regio Sampatore, 1760), p. 120. Savio, pp. 267-268. Schwartz, p. 126.
  • Bishop Bonifacius attended the Third Lateran Council of Pope Alexander III in March 1179, as a suffragan of the ecclesiastical province of Milan. J.D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus 22 (Venice: A.Zatta 1778), p. 216. Bonifazio Vescovo Di Novara Vicario Imperiale In Toscana (in Italian). 1770.
  • A lengthy vacancy is indicated. Bascapè, Novaria (1612), p. 410, and La Novara Sacra (1878), p. 353, cites several documents showing that there was already a vacancy in 1271. Ughelli IV, p. 712. Giovanni Giacinto Sbaraglia, Bullarium franciscanum romanorum pontificum, constitutiones, epistolas, ac diplomata continens, Volume 3 (Rome: typis SC de propaganda fide 1765), pp. 594-595.
  • Bascapè (1878), pp. 353-354. Ughelli IV, p. 712. He is not admitted by Eubel I, p. 371. It is claimed, Bascapè (1878), p. 353, note 350, that Guido was elected by the Chapter and that the election was confirmed by Pope Gregory X on 20 January 1271; Pope Gregory was not elected until 1 September 1271, and he did not return from crusade in the Holy Land to accept his election until January 1272; he was crowned on 27 March 1272. The confirmation is a fraud. The cathedral Chapter conducted an election of a new bishop, which resulted in two claimants, and appeals were lodged with Pope Gregory X (who died in January 1276), according to Pope Honorius IV: Giovanni Giacinto Sbaraglia, Bullarium franciscanum romanorum pontificum, constitutiones, epistolas, ac diplomata continens, Volume 3 (Rome: typis SC de propaganda fide 1765), pp. 594-595.
  • Sanseverino was a son of Count Roberto di Sanseverino d'Aragona Visconti. He was one of four cardinals who issued the letter convoking the schismatic 'Council of Pisa' in 1511. He was deposed on 30 January 1512, and deprived of all of his benefices, including Novara. Cf. Eubel, III, p. 260. David Chambers (2006). Popes, Cardinals and War: The Military Church in Renaissance and Early Modern Europe. London-New York: I.B.Tauris. pp. 95–106. ISBN 978-0-85771-581-4. Setton, Kenneth M. (1984). The Papacy and the Levant (1204–1571), Volume III: The Sixteenth Century to the Reign of Julius III. Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society. pp. 95–98, 143–150. ISBN 0-87169-161-2.
  • Bascapè ("basilica Petri" in Latin): Cappelletti XIV, pp. 520-521. Eubel III, p. 261Innocenzo Chiesa (1993). Vita di Carlo Bascapè: barnabita e vescovo di Novara (1550-1615) (in Italian). Rome: L.S. Olschki. ISBN 978-88-222-4101-6.
  • Baratta was born in 1692, of the Counts of Baratta, at Fossano in the diocese of Turin. He was Provost of the Congregation of the Oratory. Baratta was appointed bishop of Novara on 29 January 1748, by Pope Benedict XIV. He was consecrated in Rome by Cardinal Silvio Valenti Gonzaga on 18 February, and he conducted a consecration of a fellow Oratorian in Rome on 17 March. He departed for his diocese, but died en route at Macerata on 11 April 1748, before reaching Novara. Diario di Roma 1748 (Roma: Stamp. Cracas 1748), pp. 4, 18. Cappelletti XIV, p. 523. Ritzler & Sefrin VI, p. 314 with note 3.
  • On 29 March 1802, Della Rocca was named titular bishop of Thebes (Greece), and appointed papal nuncio to Florence. From 1807 to 1816, he was secretary of the SC of Bishops and Regulars in the papal curia. He was named a cardinal by Pope Pius VII on 8 March 1816. On 1 October 1817, he was appointed bishop of Novara, and was allowed the use of the personal title of archbishop. He died in Novara on 22 March 1842. Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VII, pp. 287, 365. Avogadro, Gustavo (1842). Notizie biografiche di S. Eminenza ... il Cardinale Giuseppe Morozzo ... coll'aggiunta delle iscrizioni funerarie del Professore Vallauri (in Italian). Novara: P.A. Ibertis. Salvador Miranda, The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church Giuseppe Morozzo, retrieved: 2016-10-03.
  • Silvio Beltrami (1944). Mons. Giuseppe Castelli vescovo di Novara (in Italian) (secondo ed.). Novara: S. Gaudenzio (tip.).
  • Gaudenzio Barbè (2002). Mons. Leone Ossola: il vescovo che salvò Novara (in Italian). Crodo: Centro studi Piero Ginocchi. ISBN 978-88-86723-04-6.

  • Arcimboldi had been a protonotary apostolic. He was appointed bishop of Novara by Pope Paul II on 20 November 1468. Pope Sixtus IV named him a cardinal priest on 7 May 1473. On 25 October 1484, Arcimboldi was appointed Archbishop of Milan. He died on 2 October 1488. Eubel II, pp. 17 no. 9; 188, 205 with note 4. Nicola Raponi, "Arcimboldi, Giovanni," (in Italian), in: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Volume 3 (1961). Francesco Somaini, Un prelato lombardo del XV secolo. Il card. Giovanni Arcimboldi, vescovo di Novara, arcivescovo di Milano, 3 vols. (Roma: Herder 2003).
  • Della Rovere was named a cardinal by Pope Paul III on 27 July 1547. He was appointed Administrator of the diocese of Novara on 18 November 1551, at the age of 18, and resigned on 12 September 1552, in favor of Cardinal Giovanni Morone. He was not in episcopal orders until 1566. He was appointed suburbicarian Bishop of Albano on 12 April 1570. Eubel III, pp. 30 no. 66; 260. Matteo Sanfilippo (1989), "Della Rovere, Giulio Feltrio." (in Italian). In: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Volume 37 (1989).
  • In 1555, Morone was sent as papal legate to the Diet of Augsburg: J. Grisar, "Die Sendung des Kardinals Morone als Legat zum Reichstag von Augsburg 1555," (in German), in: Zeitschrift des historischen Vereins fur Schwaben, LXI (1955), pp. 341-387. From 31 May 1557 to 21 August 1559, Cardinal Morone was a prisoner of Pope Paul IV in the Castel S. Angelo. He was only released by the pope's death and the vote of the cardinals to allow him to attend the conclave. The new pope, Pius IV was elected on 26 December 1559, and crowned on 9 January 1560. Massimo Firpe, "Morone, Giovanni," (in Italian), in: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Volume 77 (2012).
  • Serbelloni was a cousin of Cardinal Giovanni Angelo de’ Medici, who became Pope Pius IV on 25 December 1559. He was named a cardinal on 31 January 1560. On 13 March 1560, he was appointed bishop of Novara. He resigned the diocese on 26 April 1574. He died in Rome on 18 March 1591. Eubel III, pp. 37 no. 1; 260-261. Massimo Carlo Giannini, "Serbelloni, Giovanni Antonio," (in Italian), in: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (2018).