Bullarum diplomatum et privilegiorum sanctorum romanorum pontificum (in Latin). Vol. Tomus V. Turin: Seb. Franco, H. Fori et H. Dalmazzo. 1860. pp. 150–152 §3.: "Necnon filias nostras praedictas Suanensem, Clusinensem et Grossetanensem et Massanensem Ecclesias, cum suis civitatibus et dioecesibus, iuribus el pertinentiis universis, Ecclesiae Seuensi et arcbiepiscopis praefatis, tamquam illorum metropolitanis et de eorum provincia...."
Admonitiones ad clerum habitœ a Tiberio Burghesio, episcopo Suanensi, in synodo diœcesana, an. 1768. Siena, 1769. Bibliothèque de l'Archevêché de Reims (in French). Reims: P. Dubois. 1864. p. 147.
Bishop Bastianus subscribed at the Roman synod of Pope Eugenius II in 826. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XIV (Venice: A. Zatta 1769), p. 999. He is called Vestianus: Georg Heinrich Pertz, ed. (1837). Constitutiones regum Germaniae (in Latin and German). Hannover: Hahn. p. 14.
Joannes, son of Giso, was present at the Roman synod of Pope John XIX and the Emperor Conrad II on 6 April 1027. He was also present at the Roman synod of Pope Nicholas II in 1059. Ludwig Weiland; Jakob Schwalm; Richard Salomon (1893). Constitutiones et acta publica imperatorum et regum: 911-1197. Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Constitutiones, I. (in Latin and German). Hannover: Hahn. p. 83. ISBN9783447100427. Schwartz, p. 263.
On the death of Bishop David, the cathedral Chapter met and elected several bishops, each one refusing the honor. The matter was brought to Pope Martin IV at Orvieto, and on 23 December 1283, he appointed ("provided") Moricus, who was a Canon of Assisi and chaplain of the bishop of Albanese (Epirus). Felix Olivier-Martin (1901). Les registres de Martin IV (1281-1285): recueil des bulles de ce pape (in French and Latin). Paris: A. Fontemoing. p. 170. Eubel I, p. 466.
After the death of Bishop Zampo, the Chapter, using the "Way of Compromise", chose the Dominican Trasmundus. After an examination of the election and the character of the electus, Pope Clement V approved the new bishop on 10 May 1312. In 1327 he was involved in a lawsuit against the Abbot of S. Salvatore de Monte Amiata. He died in office, and was succeeded by Alamanno Donati on 22 October 1330. Ughelli III, p. 747. Regestum Clementis papae V (in Latin). Vol. VII: Annus septimus. Rome: ex Typographia Vaticana. 1887. pp. 98–88, no. 8019. Eubel I, p. 466.
A native of Siena, Ghinucci had held the post of apostolicarum litterarum scriptor in the Roman Curia. He was named Bishop of Sovana by Pope Paul II on 12 November 1470. He was transferred to the diocese of Grosseto on 9 March 1489 by Pope Innocent VIII. Ghinucci had apparently been seeking a transfer for some time; he had enlisted the support of Lorenzo de'Medici, who recommended him to the Pope; his letter of thanks is dated 10 February 1489. He died in 1497. A. Cappelli, "Una lettera del vescovo di Sovana Andreoccio Ghinucci a Lorenzo il Magnifico," in: Bullettino senese di storia patria (in Italian). Vol. tredicesimo. Siena: Accademia senese degli Intronati. 1906. pp. 222–226. Eubel II, p. 161, 243.
Born in Piancastagnajo (Sovana), Sbrolli studied at the Collegio Tolomei and the University of Siena, where he earned doctorates in theology and Canon Law, at the age of 23. He became secretary of Bishop Barzelotti, and was appointed archpriest at Manciano for eight years, and then archpriest at Piancastagnajo for nine years. He was named Bishop of Sovana e Pitigliano on 27 October 1871 by Pope Pius IX. He resigned in July 1885, for reasons of health, and on 27 July 1885 was granted the title of titular archbishop of Lepanto and made a Canon of the Lateran Basilica. He died on 28 April 1888. Il Rosmini enciclopedia di scienze e lettere (in Italian). Vol. III (Anno 2). Bologna: Ulrico Hoepli ed. 1 June 1888. pp. 659–660. Bruscalupi, p. 511-512.
Bishop "Matianus" took part in the Roman synod of Pope Agatho in 680. Ughelli, p. 587. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Tomus XI (Florence: A. Zatta 1765), p. 775. Cappelletti XVII, p. 737. Polock, p. 143.
Bishop Tanimundus subscribed at the Roman synod of Pope Leo IV in 853. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XIV (Venice: A. Zatta 1769), p. 1020.
Bishop Rastaldus was present at the Lateran synod of Pope Nicholas I in 861. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Tomus XV (Venice: A. Zatta 1770), p. 603. Cappelletti XVII, p. 737.
Bishop Stephanus was present at the Roman synod of Pope Hadrian II in Spring 869. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Tomus XVI (Venice: A. Zatta 1771), p. 131. Polock, p. 143.
In its decree Christus Dominus, section 22, it stated: "Concerning diocesan boundaries, therefore, this sacred synod decrees that, to the extent required by the good of souls, a fitting revision of diocesan boundaries be undertaken prudently and as soon as possible. This can be done by dividing dismembering or uniting them, or by changing their boundaries, or by determining a better place for the episcopal see or, finally, especially in the case of dioceses having larger cities, by providing them with a new internal organization.... At the same time the natural population units of people, together with the civil jurisdictions and social institutions that compose their organic structure, should be preserved as far as possible as units. For this reason, obviously, the territory of each diocese should be continuous."