Roman Catholic Diocese of Policastro (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Roman Catholic Diocese of Policastro" in English language version.

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3rd place
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471st place
409th place
281st place
448th place

  • Stefano Macchiaroli (1868), Diano e l'omonima sua valle: Ricerche storico-archeologiche, (Napoli: G. Rondinella 1868), pp. 75-86.
  • Cf. Francesco Orlandi (1737), Orbis sacer et profanus illustratus,... Opus ecclesiasticae et profanae historiae nec non geographiae studiosis apprime utile, (in Latin) Pars II, Vol. III (Florence: typis Bernardi Paperini 1737), pp. 1733-1734. Orlandi points out that Ughelli was manipulating the data, "Ex voce Pyxantis Ughellus alteram Pituntiae formavit: nec dubium quin Buxentum indicare voluerit, quamquam non omnino certum sit, an Polycastrum eo loci situm sit, ubi vetus Buxentum fuit."
  • Petrus was also abbot of S. Trinità de Cava from 1079 to 1118. Jean Bolland, S.J., Daniel van Papenbroeck. S.J., Godefroy Henschen, S.J., (edd.), Acta Sanctorum Martii Tomus I (Antwerp: apud Jacobum Meursium 1668), pp. 328-337. Ughelli VII, pp. 543-560 (citing the hagiographies). Gams, p. 912, column 1.
  • Bullarum diplomatum et privilegiorum sanctorum Romanorum pontificum Volume 17, pp. 316-317, no. 496.
  • Benedictus XIV (1842). "Lib. I. caput secundum. De Synodi Dioecesanae utilitate". Benedicti XIV ... De Synodo dioecesana libri tredecim (in Latin). Vol. Tomus primus. Mechlin: Hanicq. pp. 42–49. John Paul II, Constitutio Apostolica de Synodis Dioecesanis Agendis (March 19, 1997): Acta Apostolicae Sedis 89 (1997), pp. 706-727.
  • Synodus dioecesana Polycastrensis ab Vrbano Feliceo eiusdem ecclesiae episcopo celebrata anno 1632. Romae: typis Vaticanis, 1632.
  • Decreta et constitutiones dioecesanae synodi Polycastrensis per Petrum Magri Rossanensem episcopum Polycastrensem dominum in temporalibus Terræ Turris Vrsaiæ, & Castri Rogerij in archipresbyterali ecclesia receptiua Sancti Nicolai Terræ Lauriæ, celebratae in fæsto sanctorum principum apostolorum tertio kalendas iulij anno salutis 1638 Policastro: typis Francisci Zannetti 1638.
  • Synodus dioecesana policastrensis in tria capita partita et nono kal. majas 1816. In S. Cathedrali Ecclesia habita sub praesulatu fr. Ludovici Lodovici Seraphici ordinis S. Francisci minorum observantium in Sacra Theologia lectoris jubilati. (in Latin). Napoli: B. Cons 1816.
  • Carlo A. Garufi (ed.) (1922), "Necrologio del “Liber Confratrum” di S. Matteo di Salerno," in: Fonti per la storia d'Italia vol. LVI (Rome 1922), p. 231.
  • On 23 October 1254, Pope Innocent IV wrote from Capua to Magister Johannes de Castellomata, elect of Policastro, that he had ordered Cardinal Guglielmo Fieschi, his legate, to investigate the process of choosing Johannes as bishop (postulatio), and if it was canonical, to install him as bishop. Élie Berger, Les registres d'Innocent IV Vol. III (in Latin), (Paris: Fontemoing 1897), p. 534, no. 8172. Eubel I, p. 404.
  • Bishop Paganus was in exile in 1290, presumably because of the wars between the Angevins and the Aragonese. His two brothers had been taken prisoner, and one had died in prison. He was destitute, and appealed to Pope Nicholas IV for assistance. The pope wrote to his legate, the bishop of Palestrina, Ber(n)ardus Calliensis, on 13 June 1290, to find Paganus some church or benefice sufficient to supply the bishop and his family with sustinence until he could return to Policastro. Ernest Langlois, Les Registres de Nicolas IV (1288-1292) Tome I (Paris: Fontemoing 1905), p. 456, no. 2734. On 8 August 1310, Bishop Paganus of Policastro is found at Barletta, where he is acting as Procurator and Recollector of Cardinal Landolfo Brancaccio, the papal legate. Salvatore Santeramo (ed.), Codice diplomatico Barlettano, Volume 2 (Barletta 1931), p. 43, no. 30.
  • Minucci was born at Civita Reale (diocese of Rieti) in 1680. He lectured in philosophy and theology for seventeen years in various high schools and houses of his Order. He was a Consultor of the Holy Inquisition in Spoleto. He had been secretary of the Order for two years, then Procurator General at the papal court for seven years, and finally Minister General of the Conventual Franciscans for six years. He was named bishop of Policastro on 15 May 1747, and consecrated by Pope Benedict XIV. He resigned the diocese on 20 November 1761 (or 1762), and retired to Spoleto, where he died in 1767. Analecta ordinis minorum Capuccinorum Vol. XI (Romae 1895), p. 283. Ritzler and Sefrin VI, p. 343 with note 2.

  • "Diocese of Policastro". David M. Cheney. Retrieved 29 February 2016.
  • A native of Spoleto, Lauri (Loreo) was the conclavist of Cardinal Luigi d'Aragona in the second conclave of 1503. He was appointed bishop of Policastro on 22 April 1504, by Pope Julius II. On 20 May 1513, he was named Governor of Fano. He died on 12 March 1516. Johannes Burckhard, Liber notarum, ab anno MCCCCLXXXIII usque ad annum MDVI, Volume 2 (ed. Enrico Celani), (Città di Castello: Lapi, 1911), p. 408. Eubel III, p. 277 with note 3. "Bishop Bernardo Lauri". David M. Cheney. Retrieved 29 February 2016.[self-published source]
  • Pirro was the Vicar General of the Cardinal d'Aragona when he was Administrator of Policastro: Archivio storico per la provincia di Salerno (1935), p. 32. Pirrus Johannis de Siorno, clericus neapolitanus, was a conclavist of Cardinal d'Aragona in the second conclave of 1503. He was appointed bishop of Policastro on 19 August 1516 by Pope Leo X. He resigned the diocese on 6 February 1530. Johannes Burckhard, Liber notarum, ab anno MCCCCLXXXIII usque ad annum MDVI, Volume 2 (ed. Enrico Celani), (Città di Castello: Lapi, 1911), p. 408. Eubel III, p. 277. "Bishop Giovanni Pirro Scorna". David M. Cheney. Retrieved 29 February 2016. [self-published source]
  • A cleric of Naples, Missanelli was appointed bishop of Policastro by Pope Paul III in the consistory of 7 June 1543. He died in 1577. Eubel III, p. 277. "Bishop Niccolò Francesco Missanelli". David M. Cheney. Retrieved 29 February 2016.
  • Ughelli VII, p. 566. Gauchat IV, p. 283 with note 3. "Bishop Ilario Cortesi, C.R." David M. Cheney. Retrieved 29 February 2016. [self-published source]
  • "Bishop Giovanni Antonio Santorio". David M. Cheney. Retrieved 29 February 2016.
  • "Bishop Urbano Felicio". David M. Cheney. Retrieved 29 February 2016.
  • "Bishop Pietro Magri". David M. Cheney. Retrieved 29 February 2016.
  • "Bishop Filippo Jacobio (Giacomo)". David M. Cheney. Retrieved 29 February 2016.
  • "Bishop Tommaso de Rosa" David M. Cheney. Retrieved July 11, 2016
  • "Bishop Giacinto Camillo Maradei". David M. Cheney. Retrieved 29 February 2016.