Pierre-André was the nephew of Charles de Leberon. He was nominated by King Henri IV, and approved on 17 August 1598 by Pope Clement VIII. Ulysse Chevalier, Notice chronologico-historique...,, p. 14. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, p. 317 with note 2. Bergin, Joseph (1996). The Making of the French Episcopate, 1589–1661. New Haven: Yale University Press. p. 629. ISBN978-0-300-06751-4.
Hauréau, Gallia christiana XVI, p. 314; and "Instrumenta", p. 117. Ulysse Chevalier, Regeste dauphinois..., Volume 2, pp. 384–385, no. 8063. Jules Chevalier, Quarante années..., pp. 58–59.
Jules Chevalier, Quarante années..., p. 60, citing Matthew of Paris, Vol. VI, p. 414 (ed. Louard)" "Item Philippus electus Lugdunensis per multa viarum discrimina et hostium pericula et insidias dominum papam Innocentium IV a facie Fretherici fugientem duxit salvo Lugdunum, et ibi dum concilium celebraretur immo dum papa ibi moram continuaret, pacem inviolatam prudenter servavit ."
Jules Chevalier, Quarante années..., pp. 61–62, citing (in note 3) Matthew of Paris, Vol. IV, p. 429: "Cito quoque post, archiepiscopus Lugdunensis, vir sine querela et pacificus et jam vergens in ætatem senilem et valetudinariam, omnia in manu papæ resignavit."
Jules Chevalier, Quarante années..., p. 62, citing (in note 3) Matthew of Paris, Vol. IV, p. 425-426: "Electus Valentiæ ipsis diebus ad archiepiscopatus Lugdunensis promotus est possessionem, priore cedente ob causas dicendas. Qui tantam a domino papa meruit obtinere dispensationem ut archiepiscopatus retenta cum suis commodis potestate episcopatus Valentini proventus perciperet uberrimorum reddituum, quos in Anglia et Flandria possederat, quod plus, ut videbatur, ob causas sæculares fiebat quam spirituales, libere ac licenter asportaret, et præposituram Brugensem obtinebat."
M.-C. Guigue, Cartulaire Lyonnais: Documents inédits pour servir à l'histoire des anciennes provinces de Lyonnais, Forez, Beaujolais, Dombes, Bresse et Bugey comprises jadis dans le Pagus major Lugdunensis,(in French and Latin), Volume 1 (Lyon: Association typographique 1885, p. 509.
Ulysse Chevalier, Regeste dauphinois..., Volume 2, p. 426, no. 8287.
Jules Chevalier, Quarante années..., p. 77. Ulysse Chevalier, Regeste dauphinois..., Volume 2, p. 463, no. 8493. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, (in Latin), Vol. 23 (Venice: A. Zatta 1779), pp. 769–778.
Chevalier, Quarante années..., pg. 103–104: "...hactenus dinoscitur processisse quod sedes
apostolica necessitatem ecclesie Valentinensis, que guerrarum incursibus vexabatur et hostium, necnon gravium premebatur onere debitorum, non sine amaritudine cordis attendens ac super hoc volens et congruis remediis subvenire...."
Ulysse Chevalier, Regeste dauphinois..., Volume 2, p. 802, no. 10682.
Ulysse Chevalier, Regeste dauphinois..., Volume 2, p. 802, no. 10683.
C.U.J Chevalier, Notice chronologico-historique sur les Evêques de Valence, (in French), (Valence: Jules Céas 1867), p. 9. Bertrand is not included in Eubel's catalogue.
Chevalier, Regeste dauphinois..., Volume 2, p. 927, no. 111461. Guiraud, Les registres de Grégoire X, p. 270, no. 631: "Vacante siquidem eadem ecclesia Valentina per mortem bone memorie Guidonis, ecclesie ipsius electi...."
Chevalier, Regeste dauphinois, Vol 2 (1913), p. 321, no. 7708. Hauréau, Gallia christiana XVI, "Instrumenta," pp. 116–117: "Cum igitur, sicut nostro fuit apostolatui relatu, Valentinensis et Diensis ecclesiarum nobilium, et populorum subjectorum sibi, malitia adeo ebullierit, ut non erubuerint insurgere in parentes, in patris videlicet multotiens exsilium, quasi geminata rabie, diversis temporibus, et in matris excidium multiplex operata, alias easdem ecclesias tot afflictionum generibus affligendo quae longums est per singula recenseri...."
Duchesne, p. 222, pointing out the geographical problems associated with Aemilianus' activity. Duchesne also remarks that Aemilianus cannot be called the first Bishop of Valence, just the first bishop of whom we have information. Chevalier, Notice chronologique, p. 2.
Maximus received a letter from Pope Boniface I, dated 13 June 419. He was accused of murder, and ordered by the pope to appear before a provincial council to stand trial. The contents of the letter imply that he was already bishop in 417. Duchesne, p. 223, no. 2. Chevalier, Notice chronologique, p. 2.
Apollinaris was the brother of Bishop Avitus of Vienne, who consecrated him: Danuta Shanzer; Ian Wood (2002). Avitus of Vienne. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. pp. vii, 3–9, 243–258. ISBN978-0-85323-588-0. He took part in the council of Epaona in September 517 ("Apollenaris episcopus ciuitatis Valentine relegi et subscripsi"), and in the council of Lyon (c. 518–523). His "Life" states that he was bishop for 34 years. Duchesne, p. 223, no. 4. Charles de Clercq, Concilia Galliae A. 511 – A. 695 (Turnholt: Brepols 1963), pp. 35, 40.
Bishop Maximus was represented at the council of Lyon, which met at some point between 567 and 569. Hauréau, Gallia christiana XVI, p. 294. De Clercq, Concilia Galliae A. 511 – A. 695, p. 203 ("Astemius diaconus directus a domino meo Maximo episcopo ecclesiae Valentine subscripsi").
Bishop Ragnoaldus attended the council of Mâcon on 1 November 581 (or 583); the council of Lyon in May 583; the council of Valence on 22 June 583 (or 585); and the council of Mâcon in May 585. Hauréau, Gallia christiana XVI, p. 294. De Clercq, Concilia Galliae A. 511 – A. 695, p. 229 ("Rignoaldus episcopus Valentinensis suscripsi"); 233 ("Ragnoaldus in Christi nomine episcopus ecclesiae Valentinae subscripsi"); 236; 248.
Agilulf: Chevalier, Notice chronologique, p. 3. Duchesne, p. 223, no. 8.
Waldus does not appear in the catalog of bishops of Valence (Duchesne, pp. 216–217), and Duchesne (p. 223) does not include Waldus in his list of bishops. Hauréau, Gallia christiana XVI, p. 296, also rejects Waldus as bishop of Valence, remarking: "quemdam sane Waldum, sub ea circiter tempora, in Valentina nonnulli cathedra collocant. Sed de hoc Waldo ceteri litigant, eum vel ante vel post Carolum Magnum ponendo, et hic forsan non alius est ac Wualdus ille, aliter Wulfadus, qui, anno circiter 977, ex abbate S. Theofredi Diensis episcopus factus est."
Dunctrannus: On 8–9 January 855, a regional council was held at Valence, presided over by Archbishop Remigius of Lyon; the subscription list is damaged and the name of the bishop of Valence is no longer extant. Jacques Sirmond, Concilia antiquae Galliae(in Latin), Volume 3 (Paris: Sebastian Cramoisy 1629), p. 107. Hauréau, Gallia christiana XVI, p. 297. Duchesne, p. 224-225, no. 24.
Bishop Rathbertus subscribed a grant made by Bishop Jonaas of Autun to the monastery of Ss. Geminorum on 20 May 858. BIshop Radbertus was present at the Synod of Mantaille on 15 October 879, at which Boso of Provence was elected king of Provence. Gallia Christiana IV (Paris: Typographia regia, 1728), "Instrumenta" p. 51, no. 12. Hauréau, Gallia christiana XVI, p. 298. Duchesne, p. 225, no. 25. C.U.J. Chevalier, p. 5.
On 18 May 886, Bishop Isaac subscribed the canons of the council of Chalon-sur-Saône. Hauréau, Gallia christiana XVI, p. 298. On 28 January 899, he participated in the consecration of Archbishop Raginfred of Vienne. Duchesne, p. 225, no. 26.
Bishop Jean died on 5 February 1146. Ulysse Cevalier, Regeste dauphinois, (in French), p. 630, no. 3754.
Amadeus was the son of Artaud of Rousillon, and the brother of Aymar, the Archbishop of Lyon (1273–1283). Amadeus had been Abbot of Savignac in the diocese of Lyon when he was appointed bishop of Valence by Pope Gregory X on 30 September 1275. He died in Die of a tertian fever on 17 September 1281. Chevalier, Jules (1890). Amédée de Roussillon, Évêque de Valence Et de Die, 1276–1281. Étude Historique (in French).
Amadeus was the nephew of Pope Clement VII. He had been archdeacon of Lyon, and held the licenciate in civil and canon law. He was appointed a cardinal by Clement VII on 23 December 1383. He was never consecrated a bishop. He died on 28 June 1419. Chevalier, Notice chronologique, p. 11. Eubel I, pp. 27, no. 13; 513.
Henri had been bishop of Constanz. He was appointed to Valence, where he appears on 17 October 1389. His successor was appointed on 7 September 1390. Chevalier, Notice chronologique, p. 11.
Bathernay may have died of the plague. Jules Chevalier, "Mémoirs pour servir à l'histoire des comtés de Valentinois et de Diois," Société d'archéologie et de statistique de la Drôme, Valence (1902). Bulletin d'archéologie et de statistique de la Drôme (in French). Vol. 36. pp. 10–11.
Duprat was Doctor in utroque iure, First President of the Parliament of Paris (1508), and then Chancellor of France (1515). He was named Archbishop of Sens on 20 March 1525, though there is no evidence of his ever having been consecrated bishop. He was created a cardinal in 1527. Peter G. Bietenholz and Thomas Brian Deutscher, ed. (2003). Contemporaries of Erasmus: A Biographical Register of the Renaissance and Reformation. University of Toronto Press. pp. 412–413. ISBN978-0-8020-8577-1. François Albert-Buisson (1935). Le chancelier Antoine Duprat (in French). Paris: Hachette.
Castelnau de Clermont-Lodève had been named a cardinal by Pope Julius II on 29 November 1503. He was appointed bishop of Valence by Pope Hadrian VI on 11 January 1523. He exchanged the diocese of Agde with Antoine de Vesc on 10 May 1531, and resigned in September 1531. Hauréau, Gallia christiana XVI, p. 332. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica III, pp. 10, no. 3; 97; 326 with notes 6 and 7.
De Vesc had been bishop of Agde, which he exchanged with Cardinal de Castenau on 10 May 1531. He was the cardinal's nephew, and only 26 years of age. He appointed Heldradus de Ambello as his vicar-general, and was bishop only in name. On 28 April 1536, he obtained the diocese of Castres, which he held until 1551. Hauréau, Gallia christiana XVI, p. 332. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica III, pp. 97; 158; 326 with notes 8 and 9.
Charles de Leberon was a nephew of Jean de Montluc. Gustave de Rivoire de La Bâtie (1867). Armorial du Dauphiné (in French). Lyon: Perrin. p. 268.
Pierre-André was the nephew of Charles de Leberon. He was nominated by King Henri IV, and approved on 17 August 1598 by Pope Clement VIII. Ulysse Chevalier, Notice chronologico-historique...,, p. 14. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, p. 317 with note 2. Bergin, Joseph (1996). The Making of the French Episcopate, 1589–1661. New Haven: Yale University Press. p. 629. ISBN978-0-300-06751-4.
Charles de Leberon was the nephew of Bishop Pierre de Leberon, and a doctor of Canon Law. He was nominated by King Louis XIII, and approved by Pope Gregory XV on 22 May 1623. He was consecrated in Toulouse in 1624, and made his formal entrance into his diocese on 6 April 1625. He died at Mesnil on 5 June 1654. Ulysse Chevalier, Notice chronologico-historique...,, p. 14. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, p. 317 with note 3.
Daniel de Cosnac had been First Gentleman of the Chamber of the Prince de Conti. He was named by Cardinal Mazarin to be Bishop of Valence on 24 June 1654. He was promoted to the See of Aix on 9 November 1693; he died in 1708. Ulysse Chevalier, Notice chronologico-historique...,, p. 14. Ritzler & Sefrin V, p. 93. Daniel de Cosnac (1852). Cosnac, Jules de (Comte) (ed.). Mémoires de Daniel de Cosnac (in French). Vol. Tome premier. Paris: J. Renouard et cie., especially pp. xxviii–lxxvii.
On 21 February 1791, Marbos, curate of Bourg-lez-Valence, was elected Constitutional Bishop of the new diocese of Drôme. He was a member of the Convention, and voted against the execution of Louis XVI. He was imprisoned under the Terror, and thereafter refused to have anything to do with the Government's 'church'. In 1819 he retracted his apostasy, and died in communion with Rome on 27 February 1825. Paul Pisani (1907). Répertoire biographique de l'épiscopat constitutionnel (1791–1802) (in French). Paris: A. Picard et fils. pp. 334–335.
Bécherel had been the Constitutional bishop of Manche. He was selected bishop of Valence by First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte on 5 July 1802, and confirmed on 15 July 1802. He died on 25 June 1815. Ulysse Chevalier, Notice chronologico-historique..., p. 15. Ritzler & Sefrin Hierarchia catholica VII, p. 387.
Gueullette was selected by the Emperor Napoleon III on 11 December 1864, and approved by Pope Pius IX on 27 March 1865. He resigned the diocese on 7 January 1875. Ulysse Chevalier, Notice chronologico-historique..., p. 16. Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VIII, p. 579.
Brother of Bishop-elect Guillaume, seventh son of Thomas, Count of Savoy. He was already bishop-elect of Bellay when he became Administrator of Valence as well. He was elected Archbishop of Canterbury on 1 February 1241. Jules Chevalier, Quarante années..., pp. 41–43: "...l'élection de Boniface de Savoie au siège de Valence est un fait plus que douteux , et jusqu'à ce qu'une plus grande lumière soit faite sur ce point , nous n'hésitons pas à rayer le nom de Boniface du catalogue des pasteurs de notre Eglise". Boniface was consecrated a bishop in Lyon by Pope Innocent IV in 1245, according to Matthew of Paris (IV, p. 425 ed. Luard). C.U.J. Chevalier (1867), Notice chronologico-historique sur les Evêques de Valence, p. 9.