Roman Catholic Suburbicarian Diocese of Porto–Santa Rufina (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Roman Catholic Suburbicarian Diocese of Porto–Santa Rufina" in English language version.

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281st place
448th place
471st place
409th place
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low place

  • In a document of January 1107, he styles himself Ego Petrus Portuensis episcopus gratia Dei et beati Petri apostoli et eiusdem domini nostri papae cardinalis sanctae Romanae et apostolicae sedis atque Rector Beneventanus.: Stefano Borgia, Memorie della pontifizia città di Benevento (in Italian) Parte III, volume 1 (Roma: Salomon 1769), p. 35. Pietro belonged to the Obedience of Pope Anacletus II from 1130 to his death in 1134. Hüls, pp. 122-124.

  • J.D. Mansi (ed), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus VIII (Florence: A. Zatta 1762), pp. 233-234. Cappelletti I, p. 548. This presumes that he was not the Adeodatus who signed himself Bishop of Silva-Candida in the third synod of Pope Symmachus (501).
  • Bishop Joannes signed the synodal letter of the Roman synod of 680, sent by Pope Agatho to the Third Council of Constantinople, which was read in the third plenary session. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XI (Florence: A. Zatta 1764), p. 773. He was legate to the Sixth General Council in Constantinople. Cappelletti, p. 499.
  • Bishop Stephanus attended the Roman synod of Pope Eugenius II on 15 November 826. J.D. Mansi (ed), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XIV (Venice: A. Zatta 1769), p. 999. Cappelletti I, p. 499. Jaffé, p. 321.
  • Hüls, pp. 117-118. He participated in the Roman council of Pope Clement II on 9–15 April 1046. J.D. Mansi (ed), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XIX (Venice: A. Zatta 1769), p. 626.

  • Miranda, Salvador. "General list of Cardinals, 9th Century (795-900): Giovanni". The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. Florida International University. OCLC 53276621.
  • Miranda, Salvador. "CRISOGONO (?-before 956)". The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. Florida International University. OCLC 53276621.
  • The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Creations of Cardinals of the 10th Century
  • Bishop Benedictus consecrated the antipope Leo VIIIThe Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Creations of Cardinals of the 10th Century
  • Bishop Gregorius built the irrigation system of the territory of the diocese. The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church – Creations of Cardinals of the 10th Century
  • Salvador Miranda, The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. Biographical Dictionary, "Creation of 1046" (retrieved: 8 December 2021), offering no evidence. Hüls, p.120, ignores "Gregory" completely.
  • "The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Biographical Dictionary - Consistory of December 18, 1439".
  • La Tour d'Auvergne was earlier Cardinal-bishop of Albano (1689–1698), and of Porto (1698–1700). He died on 2 March 1715. Ritzler and Sefrin V, pp. 4, no. 4; 40. Salvador Miranda, The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, Biographical Dictionary, "La Tour d'Auvergne de Bouillon, Emmanuel Théodose"; retrieved: 2 December 2021.

  • G. Moroni, "Porto (Portuense)," in: Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica Vol. LIV (Vwenezia: Tipografia Emiliana 1852), p. 204. Umberto Benigni (1910), "Luigi Lambruschini." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 8. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. Retrieved: 11 December 2021.

  • Acta Apostolicae Sedis An. et Vol. LXXIX (in Latin) (Città del Vaticano: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis 1987), pp. 682-685.

  • Miranda, Salvador. "General list of Cardinals, 9th Century (795-900): Giovanni". The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. Florida International University. OCLC 53276621.
  • Miranda, Salvador. "CRISOGONO (?-before 956)". The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. Florida International University. OCLC 53276621.