Dominique Arel, "Interpreting 'Nationality' and 'Language' in the 2001 Ukrainian Census," Post-Soviet Affairs, Vol. 18 No. 3, July–September 2002, pp. 213–249, available online in JRL #6535 at [2]
(in Russian)Charter for the organization of the Bessarabian Oblast, April 29, 1818, in "Печатается по изданию: Полное собрание законов Российской империи. Собрание первое.", Vol 35. 1818, Sankt Petersburg, 1830, pg. 222–227. Available online at
INCONSISTENT LANGUAGE POLICY CREATES PROBLEMS IN UKRAINE, Oleg Varfolomeyev, EURASIA DAILY MONITOR, Volume 3, Issue 101 (May 24, 2006), available online at "The Jamestown Foundation". Archived from the original on 22 August 2006. Retrieved 29 August 2006.
While outdated, and allowing individuals to declare their membership in only one ethnic group, the results of the 2001 Ukrainian census partly document this. See, for example, the data at
INCONSISTENT LANGUAGE POLICY CREATES PROBLEMS IN UKRAINE, Oleg Varfolomeyev, EURASIA DAILY MONITOR, Volume 3, Issue 101 (May 24, 2006), available online at "The Jamestown Foundation". Archived from the original on 22 August 2006. Retrieved 29 August 2006.
George Coman, “SOS romanii din Ucraina!” (“SOS the Romanians of Ukraine”), in Ziua, March 4, 2003, originally accessed at, though the link is currently not working.