"Mr Fleming, who in 1990 was referred to in State Parliament as a "criminal" by then-Treasurer Stephen Baker, has previously been at the centre of Australian Securities and Investments Commission investigations and Australian Taxation Department investigations."
In 1987, he was declared bankrupt with about $10 million in debts and in 1989 he was charged, and acquitted, of $25 million in tax avoidance in connection with a Tasmanian scallop boat fleet investment.
In 2005, 10 companies run by Mr Fleming and his wife collapsed, leaving investors, including mums and dads, businesses and banks, $17 million out of pocket. The companies were involved in commercial property investments, grape seed crushing, pistachio farms and coconut plantations.
The revelation that Mr Fleming has once again emerged as a major player in the business world has also prompted warnings from those who have lost money in his previous ventures." http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/bankrupt-in-link-to-port-adelaide-sponsor/story-e6frea83-1225875941652
"Tough withdrawal for My ATM". Afr.com. Retrieved 17 October 2011.On eventually floating in January 2011, the MyATM share price fell from its open of .21c to .009c in the first seven months of trading, losing investors millions of dollars.
"Financial Review – News Store". The Sydney Morning Herald. 30 July 2010. Retrieved 17 October 2011.The company was initially banned by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) from public release on the Australian stock exchange after queries concerning the viability and public interest in the company as well as the claim of a 20% projected profit guarantee for investors
"The right thing". The Age. Melbourne, Australia. 14 August 2004. Retrieved 5 May 2011.