Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "SARS-CoV-2 Gamma variant" in English language version.
Two Turkish citizens have contracted the South African variant...
Los científicos analizaron el material genético de 31 muestras de pacientes con covid-19 en la ciudad de Manaos... ...De ellos, 13 individuos (el 42% del total) presentaban justamente ese nuevo linaje del virus. Scientists analyzed the genetic material of 31 samples from patients with covid-19 in the city of Manaus... ...Of them, 13 individuals (42% of the total) presented precisely this new lineage of the virus.
In an update published Thursday night, federal health officials reported a total of 4,499 variant of concern cases, including: *4,169 cases of the B117 variant, which was first reported in the U.K. *241 cases of the B1351 variant, which was first reported in South Africa. *89 cases of the P1 variant, which was first reported in travellers from Brazil.
Brazilian lineage [B.1.1.248] reassigned B.1.1.28
P.2...Alias of B., Brazilian lineage
Two people in Turkey have contracted the South African variant...
These lineages have already formed new sublineages. B.1.1.248 has evolved in N.1 (USA lineage), N.2 (French), N.3 (Argentinian), and N.4 (Chilean). Furthermore, B.1.1.248 has evolved in P.1 (Manaus lineage associated with a constellation of Spike mutations like B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 (Faria et al. 2021)) and P.2 (Rio de Janeiro lineage found in this study).
Tests by the National Public Health Centre (NNK) showed the presence of the Delta variant of the coronavirus in 14 new cases and the gamma variant in one new case, the prime minister's chief of staff said on Thursday.
These lineages have already formed new sublineages. B.1.1.248 has evolved in N.1 (USA lineage), N.2 (French), N.3 (Argentinian), and N.4 (Chilean). Furthermore, B.1.1.248 has evolved in P.1 (Manaus lineage associated with a constellation of Spike mutations like B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 (Faria et al. 2021)) and P.2 (Rio de Janeiro lineage found in this study).
The case of a Colombian-Brazilian woman who acquired the new strain and consulted the health services in Leticia is confirmed.
厚生労働省は10日、ブラジルから羽田空港に2日に到着した10~40代の男女4人が、新型コロナウイルスでこれまで確認されていないタイプの変異種に感染していたと発表した。国内での変異種への感染確認は計34人になった (The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced on the 10th that four men and women in their teens and 40s who arrived at Haneda Airport from Brazil on the 2nd were infected with a type of mutation that had not been confirmed so far with the new coronavirus.)
Officials said on Monday that two patients who had recently travelled from Brazil has tested positive for the P.1 COVID-19 mutation.
EPI_ISL_792680, EPI_ISL_792681, EPI_ISL_792682, EPI_ISL_792683 - Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases - Tsuyoshi Sekizuka, Kentaro Itokawa, Rina Tanaka, Masanori Hashino, Makoto Kuroda
This is the first report in the United States of the P.1 variant...
Brazilian lineage [B.1.1.248] reassigned B.1.1.28
P.2...Alias of B., Brazilian lineage