See Kjellström 1999, p. 45, and Lundström 1997, pp. 69–73 Kjellström, Rolf (1999). "Andrée-expeditionen och dess undergång: tolkning nu och då [The Andrée expedition and its demise: interpretation now and then]". In Wråkberg, Urban (ed.). The Centennial of S.A. Andrée's North Pole Expedition: Proceedings of a Conference on S.A. Andrée and the Agenda for Social Science Research of the Polar Regions'. Bidrag till Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademiens historia, No. 29 (in Swedish). Stockholm: Center for History of Science, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. ISBN9789171900319. Lundström, Sven (1997). "Vår position är ej synnerligen god...": Andréexpeditionen i svart och vitt ["Our position is not particularly good...": The Andrée expedition in black] (in Swedish). Borås: Carlssons förlag. ISBN9172032642. Lundström is the curator of the Andreexpedition Polarcenter in Gränna, Sweden. This museum has been mainly dedicated to Andrée's polar expedition.