Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Salvador Borrego" in English language version.
...Henry Ford's The International Jew, Hidden Origins of the Second World War by the Mexican Nazi sympathizer Salvador Borrego...
A special issue of CEDADE's bulletin included contributions by Léon Degrelle, Wilfred von Oven (Goebbels' assistant in the Ministry of Propaganda), Salvador Borrego (Mexican neo-Nazi propagandist and writer), Florentin Rost van Tonningen (wife of Dutch Nazi leader Meinoud van Tonningen), Thies Christophersen (German Nazi propagandist sheltered in Denmark)... In addition, CEDADE produced a "Wagnerian Travel Guide" and a reprint of Degrelle's book, Fascinating Hitler.
In December 1996, the Catalonian autonomous police closed the Europa bookstore managed by Pedro Varela. Numerous Nazi books and publications denying the Holocaust were confiscated, along with videotapes, pamphlets, and other materials in Spanish, English, and German. Page proofs of new publications yet to go to press were also confiscated, demonstrating the Europa was one of the largest producers of antisemitic material in Europe. Indeed, Librería Europa's 1996 catalogue listed several publications about the composer Richard Wagner, Nordic and Scandinavian mythology, Nazi art, the Luftwaffe and Waffen SS, works by Julius Evola, and various Holocaust denial publications by Erik Norling, Carlos Caballero, and Salvador Borrego. Varela was arrested, and place on provisional liberty awaiting the trial. Thus, with the new law, it is possible to curb the activities of racist groups. However, Librería Europa was open again after a few months.
Some historians consider historical revisionism as a strongly politically-determined pseudohistory. While some of them are highly-regarded historians trying to decipher past events to shed light on new discoveries, others pretend to influence their readers and manipulate them in a political way. In Mexico, the historian Salvador Borrego is considered as a revisionist. The dangers of this way of researching the past are evident through the example of a radical version of it: the denial of the Holocaust, by a group that claimed to be historical revisionists that arose after the Second World War. They disputed, with little or no evidence, widely accepted facts about the Holocaust inventing hypotheses such as the fact that no Jews were gassed or that the Holocaust was a Zionist conspiracy
A special issue of CEDADE's bulletin included contributions by Léon Degrelle, Wilfred von Oven (Goebbels' assistant in the Ministry of Propaganda), Salvador Borrego (Mexican neo-Nazi propagandist and writer), Florentin Rost van Tonningen (wife of Dutch Nazi leader Meinoud van Tonningen), Thies Christophersen (German Nazi propagandist sheltered in Denmark)... In addition, CEDADE produced a "Wagnerian Travel Guide" and a reprint of Degrelle's book, Fascinating Hitler.
In December 1996, the Catalonian autonomous police closed the Europa bookstore managed by Pedro Varela. Numerous Nazi books and publications denying the Holocaust were confiscated, along with videotapes, pamphlets, and other materials in Spanish, English, and German. Page proofs of new publications yet to go to press were also confiscated, demonstrating the Europa was one of the largest producers of antisemitic material in Europe. Indeed, Librería Europa's 1996 catalogue listed several publications about the composer Richard Wagner, Nordic and Scandinavian mythology, Nazi art, the Luftwaffe and Waffen SS, works by Julius Evola, and various Holocaust denial publications by Erik Norling, Carlos Caballero, and Salvador Borrego. Varela was arrested, and place on provisional liberty awaiting the trial. Thus, with the new law, it is possible to curb the activities of racist groups. However, Librería Europa was open again after a few months.