Dall, Caroline Healey; ed by Deese, Helen R. Carol Healy Dall speaks in Concord, 1859 (See footnote 161 at bottom of page.) Daughter of Boston: The Extraordinary Diary of a Nineteenth-century Woman Beacon Press, Boston. 2004. ISBN978-0-8070-5034-7
Felton, R. Todd. An Early Naturalist Burns Down a ForestConcord Magazine, Autumn 2006.
Excerpt from Felton: A Journey Into the Transcendentalists' New England. (Roaring Forties Press, 2006)
Robbins, Paula The Hoar FamilyDictionary of Unitarian & Universalist Biography. Unitarian Universalist Historical Society. Retrieved January 30, 2007.
Paolini, Bob. "An Interview with VBA President Sam Hoar"(PDF). Vermont Bar Journal, No. 167, (Fall 2006) Volume 32, No. 3. Vermont Bar Association. Archived from the original(PDF) on March 26, 2009. Retrieved January 14, 2007. (via archive.org)
Paolini, Bob. "An Interview with VBA President Sam Hoar"(PDF). Vermont Bar Journal, No. 167, (Fall 2006) Volume 32, No. 3. Vermont Bar Association. Archived from the original(PDF) on March 26, 2009. Retrieved January 14, 2007. (via archive.org)