"…τὠυτὸ γράμμα, τὸ Δωριέες μὲν σὰν καλέουσι ,Ἴωνες δὲ σίγμα" ("the same letter, which the Dorians call 'san', but the Ionians 'sigma'"; Herodotus, Histories 1.139); cf. Nick Nicholas, Non-Attic lettersArchived 2012-06-28 at archive.today.
"…τὠυτὸ γράμμα, τὸ Δωριέες μὲν σὰν καλέουσι ,Ἴωνες δὲ σίγμα" ("the same letter, which the Dorians call 'san', but the Ionians 'sigma'"; Herodotus, Histories 1.139); cf. Nick Nicholas, Non-Attic lettersArchived 2012-06-28 at archive.today.