Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Sanjak of Dibra" in English language version.
Dibra and its surrounding became separate sanjak
..До првата половина на XIX век „Деборија" админи- стративно припаѓала во Дебарскиот пашалак, покасно кон Дебарскиот санџак (дебре - санџаги) кој се делел на Дебарска каза со седиште во дебар и на Реканска каза со
Дебарски санџак има четири казе: Дебарску, матску, доњодебарску и речку (Река)
the vilayet of Prizren was founded in 1871
In 1868 the vilayet of Prizren was created with the sancaks of Prizren, Dibra, Skopje and Niš; it only existed till 1877
After the Berlin Congress other administrative reforms were carried out. So the Debar Sanjak was separated from Kosovo Vilayet and was added to the Bitola vilayet...
Уопште Дебарски санџак се, у последње време до осло- бођења, трговачким артиклима са 50°/» снабдевао из Скопља а са 25°/» из Битоља.
portion of the north Albanian lands was included in the sancak of Debar, namely Kruja, Debar and the areas lying between the rivers of Mat and Black Drin
In 1440, he was promoted to sancakbey of Debar
In 1440, he was promoted to sancakbey of Debar