Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "School uniforms by country" in English language version.
You will probably wear a school uniform...
...youth in brightly coloured school uniforms parade along the roadside, avoiding the puddles on their way to school.
All students from Nursery to Year 11 are required to wear a uniform.
The massive fireball that accompanied the blast, glowing orange, features on the school's uniforms.
En las instituciones educativas públicas, municipales, fiscomisionales y particulares, el uso del uniforme escolar será obligatorio...
10.2.1 All children attending Local Government Schools will wear the approved national school uniform.
...parents take on the costs of school uniforms...
The Government has spent about $25 million on the School Uniform Grant Programme since it started in 2004.
...jovens vestidos com uniformes escolares e de mochilas às costas a marcharem nas ruas de Cartum...
KIS is one of the only schools in Norway whose students are required to wear school uniform.
Vêtus de leur uniforme, ces lycéens et collégiens y étaient avec apparemment leur professeur ou leur directeur d'établissement.
Dressed in the school uniform of black pants and tunic with a white scarf around her face...
Tästä syystä oppilaita ei myöskään voida velvoittaa käyttämään koulupukuja.
All public schools in American Samoa wear school uniforms, even today.
The recently made compulsory school uniform also represents a cost.
D'ailleurs en Guyane, l'uniforme scolaire est obligatoire : T-shirt basique de couleur uniforme (jaune chez nous) avec un pantalon bleu.
Dos fins de tarde repleto de crianças e adolescentes em seus uniformes escolares...
New schoolbooks and uniforms had still not arrived.
Children in Austria do not wear uniforms, pretty much any outfit goes at school...
For some it's merely a switch from white and maroon or khaki to white and blue, while for others it's the last time you'll be wearing a school uniform.
All students from Nursery to Year 11 are required to wear a uniform.
KIS is one of the only schools in Norway whose students are required to wear school uniform.