Hicks, T. V.; Leitenberg, H. (2001). "Sexual fantasies about one's partner versus someone else: Gender differences in incidence and frequency". Journal of Sex Research. 38: 43–50. doi:10.1080/00224490109552069. S2CID145458879.
Davidson, J. K.; Hoffman, L. E. (1986). "Sexual fantasies and sexual satisfaction: An empirical analysis of erotic thought". Journal of Sex Research. 22 (2): 184–205. doi:10.1080/00224498609551299.
Davis, D.; Shaver, P. R.; Vernon, M. L. (2004). "Attachment style and subjective motivations for sex". Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 30 (8): 1076–1090. doi:10.1177/0146167204264794. PMID15257790. S2CID30814969.
Birnbaum, G. E.; Hirschberger, G.; Goldenberg, J. L. (2011). "Desire in the face of death: Terror management, attachment, and sexual motivation". Personal Relationships. 18: 1–19. doi:10.1111/j.1475-6811.2010.01298.x.
Nicholas 2004, p. 38. Nicholas, L.J. (2004), "The Association Between Religiosity, Sexual Fantasy, Participation in Sexual Acts, Sexual Enjoyment, Exposure, and Reaction to Sexual Materials Among Black South Africans", Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 30 (1): 37–42, doi:10.1080/00926230490247264, PMID14660292, S2CID26269663
McCauley, C.; Swann, C. P. (1978). "Male-female differences in sexual fantasy". Journal of Research in Personality. 12: 76–86. doi:10.1016/0092-6566(78)90085-5.
Kelley, K (1985). "Sexual fantasy and attitudes as functions of sex of subject and content of erotica". Imagination, Cognition & Personality. 4 (4): 339–347. doi:10.2190/j66d-n10e-lth5-8aw5. S2CID144756486.
Rudman, L. A; Heppen, J. B (2003). "Implicit romantic fantasies and women's interest in personal power: A glass slipper effect?". Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 29 (11): 1357–1370. doi:10.1177/0146167203256906. PMID15189575. S2CID2780609.
Ellis, B. J; Symons, D (1990). "Sex differences in sexual fantasy: An evolutionary psychological approach". The Journal of Sex Research. 27 (4): 527–555. doi:10.1080/00224499009551579.
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Wilson, G. D. (1997). "Gender differences in sexual fantasy: An evolutionary analysis". Personality and Individual Differences. 22: 27–31. doi:10.1016/s0191-8869(96)00180-8.
Person, E. S.; Terestman, N; Myers, W. A.; Goldberg, E. L.; Salvadori, C (1989). "Gender differences in sexual behaviours and fantasies in a college population". Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 15 (3): 187–198. doi:10.1080/00926238908403822. PMID2593156.
Hsu, B; Kling, A; Kessler, C; Knapke, K; Diefenbach, P; Elias, J. E. (1994). "Gender differences in sexual fantasy and behaviour in a college population: A ten-year replication". Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 20 (2): 103–118. doi:10.1080/00926239408403421. PMID8035467.
Gold, S. R.; Gold, R. G. (1991). "Gender differences in first sexual fantasies". Journal of Sex Education & Therapy. 17 (3): 207–216. doi:10.1080/01614576.1991.11074022.
Bradford, J. M. W (1999). "The paraphilias, obsessive compulsive spectrum disorder, and the treatment of sexually deviant behaviour". Psychiatric Quarterly. 70 (3): 209–219. doi:10.1023/A:1022099026059. PMID10457546. S2CID15835427.
Dawson, S. J.; Bannerman, B. A.; Lalumiere, M. L. (2016). "Paraphilic interests: An examination of sex differences in a nonclinical sample". Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. 28 (1): 20–45. doi:10.1177/1079063214525645. PMID24633420. S2CID541989.
Visser, B. A; DeBow, V; Pozzebon, J. A; Bogaert, A. F; Book, A (2015). "Psychopathic sexuality: The thin line between fantasy and reality". Journal of Personality. 83 (4): 376–388. doi:10.1111/jopy.12110. PMID25041138.
Baumeister, R. F. (2000). "Gender differences in erotic plasticity: The female sex drive as socially flexible and responsive". Psychological Bulletin. 126 (3): 347–374. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.126.3.347. PMID10825779. S2CID35777544.
Joyal 2015. Joyal, Christian C (2015), "Defining "Normophilic" and "Paraphilic" Sexual Fantasies in a Population-Based Sample: On the Importance of Considering Subgroups.", Sexual Medicine, 3 (4): 1–10, doi:10.1002/sm2.96, PMC4721032, PMID26797067
Maniglio, R (2010). "The role of deviant sexual fantasy in the etiopathogenesis of sexual homicide: A systematic review". Aggression and Violent Behavior. 15 (4): 294–302. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2010.02.001.
Ahlers, C. J.; Schaefer, G. A.; Mundt, I. A.; Roll, S.; Englert, H.; Willich, S. N.; Beier, K. M. (2011). "How unusual are the contents of paraphilias? Paraphilia-associated sexual arousal patterns in a community-based sample of men". The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 8 (5): 1362–1370. doi:10.1111/j.1743-6109.2009.01597.x. PMID19929918.
McCarthy, J. B. (1978). "Narcissism and the self in homicidal adolescents". The American Journal of Psychoanalysis. 38 (1): 19–29. doi:10.1007/bf01250119. PMID665871. S2CID8107812.
Schlesinger, L. B. (2007). "Sexual homicide: Differentiating catathymic and compulsive murders". Aggression and Violent Behavior. 12 (2): 242–256. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2006.09.007.
Bartels, R.; Parsons, C. (2009). "The social construction of a serial killer". Feminism & Psychology. 19 (2): 267–280. doi:10.1177/0959353509102224. S2CID145126978.
MacCulloch, M. J.; Snowden, P. R.; Wood, P. J.; Mills, H. E. (1983). "Sadistic fantasy, sadistic behaviour and offending". The British Journal of Psychiatry. 143 (1): 20–29. doi:10.1192/bjp.143.1.20. PMID6882989. S2CID28622171.
Burgess, A. W.; Hartman, C. R.; Ressler, R. K.; Douglas, J. E.; McCormack, A. (1986). "Sexual homicide a motivational model". Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 1 (3): 251–272. doi:10.1177/088626086001003001. S2CID143584392.
Prentky, R. A.; Burgess, A. W.; Rokous, F.; Lee, A.; Hartman, C.; Ressler, R.; Douglas, J. (1989). "The presumptive role of fantasy in serial sexual homicide". American Journal of Psychiatry. 146 (7): 887–891. doi:10.1176/ajp.146.7.887. PMID2787122. S2CID7450053.
Woodworth, M.; Freimuth, T.; Hutton, E. L.; Carpenter, T.; Agar, A. D.; Logan, M. (2013). "High-risk sexual offenders: An examination of sexual fantasy, sexual paraphilia, psychopathy, and offence characteristics". International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 36 (2): 144–156. doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2013.01.007. PMID23395507. S2CID11638352.
Heide, K. M.; Beauregard, E.; Myers, W. C. (2009). "Sexually motivated child abduction murders: Synthesis of the literature and case illustration". Victims and Offenders. 4 (1): 58–75. doi:10.1080/15564880802561770. S2CID145700668.
Chan, H. C. O.; Heide, K. M. (2008). "Weapons used by juveniles and adult offenders in sexual homicides: An empirical analysis of 29 years of US data". Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling. 5 (3): 189–208. doi:10.1002/jip.87.
Beauregard, E.; Stone, M. R.; Proulx, J.; Michaud, P. (2008). "Sexual Murderers of Children Developmental, Precrime, Crime, and Postcrime Factors". International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 52 (3): 253–269. doi:10.1177/0306624x07303907. PMID17636206. S2CID29261483.
Knight, R. A.; Sims-Knight, J. E. (2004). "Testing an etiological model for male juvenile sexual offending against females". Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. 13 (3–4): 33–55. doi:10.1300/j070v13n03_03. PMID15914389. S2CID44345267.
Carabellese, F.; Maniglio, R.; Greco, O.; Catanesi, R. (2010). "The role of fantasy in a serial sexual offender: A brief review of the literature and a case report". Journal of Forensic Sciences. 56 (1): 256–260. doi:10.1111/j.1556-4029.2010.01536.x. PMID20707830. S2CID35000730.
Baughman, H. M.; Jonason, P. K.; Veselka, L.; Vernon, P. A. (2014). "Four shades of sexual fantasies linked to the dark triad". Personality and Individual Differences. 67: 47–51. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2014.01.034.
Visser, B. A.; DeBow, V.; Pozzebon, J. A.; Bogaert, A. F.; Book, A. (2014). "Psychopathic sexuality: The thin line between fantasy and reality". Journal of Personality. 83 (4): 376–388. doi:10.1111/jopy.12110. PMID25041138.
Dawson, S. J.; Bannerman, B. A.; Lalumiere, M. L. (2014). "Paraphilic interests: An examination of sex differences in a Nonclinical sample". Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. 28 (1): 20–45. doi:10.1177/1079063214525645. PMID24633420. S2CID541989.
Claus, C.; Lidberg, L. (1999). "Serial murder as a 'Schahriar syndrome'". The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry. 10 (2): 427–435. doi:10.1080/09585189908403694.
Keppel, R. D.; Walter, R. (1999). "Profiling killers: A revised classification model for understanding sexual murder". International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 43 (4): 417–437. doi:10.1177/0306624x99434002. S2CID144031544.
MacCulloch, M.; Gray, N.; Watt, A. (2000). "Brittain's sadistic murderer syndrome reconsidered: An associative account of the aetiology of sadistic sexual fantasy". The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry. 11 (2): 401–418. doi:10.1080/09585180050142606. S2CID143128026.
Howitt, D.; Sheldon, K. (2007). "The role of cognitive distortions in paedophilic offending: Internet and contact offenders compared". Psychology, Crime & Law. 13 (5): 469–486. doi:10.1080/10683160601060564. S2CID53985904.
Davis, D.; Shaver, P. R.; Vernon, M. L. (2004). "Attachment style and subjective motivations for sex". Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 30 (8): 1076–1090. doi:10.1177/0146167204264794. PMID15257790. S2CID30814969.
Nicholas 2004, p. 38. Nicholas, L.J. (2004), "The Association Between Religiosity, Sexual Fantasy, Participation in Sexual Acts, Sexual Enjoyment, Exposure, and Reaction to Sexual Materials Among Black South Africans", Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 30 (1): 37–42, doi:10.1080/00926230490247264, PMID14660292, S2CID26269663
Rudman, L. A; Heppen, J. B (2003). "Implicit romantic fantasies and women's interest in personal power: A glass slipper effect?". Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 29 (11): 1357–1370. doi:10.1177/0146167203256906. PMID15189575. S2CID2780609.
Person, E. S.; Terestman, N; Myers, W. A.; Goldberg, E. L.; Salvadori, C (1989). "Gender differences in sexual behaviours and fantasies in a college population". Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 15 (3): 187–198. doi:10.1080/00926238908403822. PMID2593156.
Hsu, B; Kling, A; Kessler, C; Knapke, K; Diefenbach, P; Elias, J. E. (1994). "Gender differences in sexual fantasy and behaviour in a college population: A ten-year replication". Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 20 (2): 103–118. doi:10.1080/00926239408403421. PMID8035467.
Bradford, J. M. W (1999). "The paraphilias, obsessive compulsive spectrum disorder, and the treatment of sexually deviant behaviour". Psychiatric Quarterly. 70 (3): 209–219. doi:10.1023/A:1022099026059. PMID10457546. S2CID15835427.
Dawson, S. J.; Bannerman, B. A.; Lalumiere, M. L. (2016). "Paraphilic interests: An examination of sex differences in a nonclinical sample". Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. 28 (1): 20–45. doi:10.1177/1079063214525645. PMID24633420. S2CID541989.
Visser, B. A; DeBow, V; Pozzebon, J. A; Bogaert, A. F; Book, A (2015). "Psychopathic sexuality: The thin line between fantasy and reality". Journal of Personality. 83 (4): 376–388. doi:10.1111/jopy.12110. PMID25041138.
Baumeister, R. F. (2000). "Gender differences in erotic plasticity: The female sex drive as socially flexible and responsive". Psychological Bulletin. 126 (3): 347–374. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.126.3.347. PMID10825779. S2CID35777544.
Joyal 2015. Joyal, Christian C (2015), "Defining "Normophilic" and "Paraphilic" Sexual Fantasies in a Population-Based Sample: On the Importance of Considering Subgroups.", Sexual Medicine, 3 (4): 1–10, doi:10.1002/sm2.96, PMC4721032, PMID26797067
Ahlers, C. J.; Schaefer, G. A.; Mundt, I. A.; Roll, S.; Englert, H.; Willich, S. N.; Beier, K. M. (2011). "How unusual are the contents of paraphilias? Paraphilia-associated sexual arousal patterns in a community-based sample of men". The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 8 (5): 1362–1370. doi:10.1111/j.1743-6109.2009.01597.x. PMID19929918.
McCarthy, J. B. (1978). "Narcissism and the self in homicidal adolescents". The American Journal of Psychoanalysis. 38 (1): 19–29. doi:10.1007/bf01250119. PMID665871. S2CID8107812.
Myers, W. C.; Blashfield, R. (1997). "Psychopathology and personality in juvenile sexual homicide offenders". Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online. 25 (4): 497–508. PMID9460037.
MacCulloch, M. J.; Snowden, P. R.; Wood, P. J.; Mills, H. E. (1983). "Sadistic fantasy, sadistic behaviour and offending". The British Journal of Psychiatry. 143 (1): 20–29. doi:10.1192/bjp.143.1.20. PMID6882989. S2CID28622171.
Prentky, R. A.; Burgess, A. W.; Rokous, F.; Lee, A.; Hartman, C.; Ressler, R.; Douglas, J. (1989). "The presumptive role of fantasy in serial sexual homicide". American Journal of Psychiatry. 146 (7): 887–891. doi:10.1176/ajp.146.7.887. PMID2787122. S2CID7450053.
Woodworth, M.; Freimuth, T.; Hutton, E. L.; Carpenter, T.; Agar, A. D.; Logan, M. (2013). "High-risk sexual offenders: An examination of sexual fantasy, sexual paraphilia, psychopathy, and offence characteristics". International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 36 (2): 144–156. doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2013.01.007. PMID23395507. S2CID11638352.
Beauregard, E.; Stone, M. R.; Proulx, J.; Michaud, P. (2008). "Sexual Murderers of Children Developmental, Precrime, Crime, and Postcrime Factors". International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 52 (3): 253–269. doi:10.1177/0306624x07303907. PMID17636206. S2CID29261483.
Knight, R. A.; Sims-Knight, J. E. (2004). "Testing an etiological model for male juvenile sexual offending against females". Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. 13 (3–4): 33–55. doi:10.1300/j070v13n03_03. PMID15914389. S2CID44345267.
Carabellese, F.; Maniglio, R.; Greco, O.; Catanesi, R. (2010). "The role of fantasy in a serial sexual offender: A brief review of the literature and a case report". Journal of Forensic Sciences. 56 (1): 256–260. doi:10.1111/j.1556-4029.2010.01536.x. PMID20707830. S2CID35000730.
Visser, B. A.; DeBow, V.; Pozzebon, J. A.; Bogaert, A. F.; Book, A. (2014). "Psychopathic sexuality: The thin line between fantasy and reality". Journal of Personality. 83 (4): 376–388. doi:10.1111/jopy.12110. PMID25041138.
Dawson, S. J.; Bannerman, B. A.; Lalumiere, M. L. (2014). "Paraphilic interests: An examination of sex differences in a Nonclinical sample". Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. 28 (1): 20–45. doi:10.1177/1079063214525645. PMID24633420. S2CID541989.
Joyal 2015. Joyal, Christian C (2015), "Defining "Normophilic" and "Paraphilic" Sexual Fantasies in a Population-Based Sample: On the Importance of Considering Subgroups.", Sexual Medicine, 3 (4): 1–10, doi:10.1002/sm2.96, PMC4721032, PMID26797067
Hicks, T. V.; Leitenberg, H. (2001). "Sexual fantasies about one's partner versus someone else: Gender differences in incidence and frequency". Journal of Sex Research. 38: 43–50. doi:10.1080/00224490109552069. S2CID145458879.
Davis, D.; Shaver, P. R.; Vernon, M. L. (2004). "Attachment style and subjective motivations for sex". Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 30 (8): 1076–1090. doi:10.1177/0146167204264794. PMID15257790. S2CID30814969.
Nicholas 2004, p. 38. Nicholas, L.J. (2004), "The Association Between Religiosity, Sexual Fantasy, Participation in Sexual Acts, Sexual Enjoyment, Exposure, and Reaction to Sexual Materials Among Black South Africans", Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 30 (1): 37–42, doi:10.1080/00926230490247264, PMID14660292, S2CID26269663
Kelley, K (1985). "Sexual fantasy and attitudes as functions of sex of subject and content of erotica". Imagination, Cognition & Personality. 4 (4): 339–347. doi:10.2190/j66d-n10e-lth5-8aw5. S2CID144756486.
Rudman, L. A; Heppen, J. B (2003). "Implicit romantic fantasies and women's interest in personal power: A glass slipper effect?". Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 29 (11): 1357–1370. doi:10.1177/0146167203256906. PMID15189575. S2CID2780609.
Bradford, J. M. W (1999). "The paraphilias, obsessive compulsive spectrum disorder, and the treatment of sexually deviant behaviour". Psychiatric Quarterly. 70 (3): 209–219. doi:10.1023/A:1022099026059. PMID10457546. S2CID15835427.
Dawson, S. J.; Bannerman, B. A.; Lalumiere, M. L. (2016). "Paraphilic interests: An examination of sex differences in a nonclinical sample". Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. 28 (1): 20–45. doi:10.1177/1079063214525645. PMID24633420. S2CID541989.
Baumeister, R. F. (2000). "Gender differences in erotic plasticity: The female sex drive as socially flexible and responsive". Psychological Bulletin. 126 (3): 347–374. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.126.3.347. PMID10825779. S2CID35777544.
McCarthy, J. B. (1978). "Narcissism and the self in homicidal adolescents". The American Journal of Psychoanalysis. 38 (1): 19–29. doi:10.1007/bf01250119. PMID665871. S2CID8107812.
Bartels, R.; Parsons, C. (2009). "The social construction of a serial killer". Feminism & Psychology. 19 (2): 267–280. doi:10.1177/0959353509102224. S2CID145126978.
MacCulloch, M. J.; Snowden, P. R.; Wood, P. J.; Mills, H. E. (1983). "Sadistic fantasy, sadistic behaviour and offending". The British Journal of Psychiatry. 143 (1): 20–29. doi:10.1192/bjp.143.1.20. PMID6882989. S2CID28622171.
Burgess, A. W.; Hartman, C. R.; Ressler, R. K.; Douglas, J. E.; McCormack, A. (1986). "Sexual homicide a motivational model". Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 1 (3): 251–272. doi:10.1177/088626086001003001. S2CID143584392.
Prentky, R. A.; Burgess, A. W.; Rokous, F.; Lee, A.; Hartman, C.; Ressler, R.; Douglas, J. (1989). "The presumptive role of fantasy in serial sexual homicide". American Journal of Psychiatry. 146 (7): 887–891. doi:10.1176/ajp.146.7.887. PMID2787122. S2CID7450053.
Woodworth, M.; Freimuth, T.; Hutton, E. L.; Carpenter, T.; Agar, A. D.; Logan, M. (2013). "High-risk sexual offenders: An examination of sexual fantasy, sexual paraphilia, psychopathy, and offence characteristics". International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 36 (2): 144–156. doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2013.01.007. PMID23395507. S2CID11638352.
Heide, K. M.; Beauregard, E.; Myers, W. C. (2009). "Sexually motivated child abduction murders: Synthesis of the literature and case illustration". Victims and Offenders. 4 (1): 58–75. doi:10.1080/15564880802561770. S2CID145700668.
Beauregard, E.; Stone, M. R.; Proulx, J.; Michaud, P. (2008). "Sexual Murderers of Children Developmental, Precrime, Crime, and Postcrime Factors". International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 52 (3): 253–269. doi:10.1177/0306624x07303907. PMID17636206. S2CID29261483.
Knight, R. A.; Sims-Knight, J. E. (2004). "Testing an etiological model for male juvenile sexual offending against females". Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. 13 (3–4): 33–55. doi:10.1300/j070v13n03_03. PMID15914389. S2CID44345267.
Carabellese, F.; Maniglio, R.; Greco, O.; Catanesi, R. (2010). "The role of fantasy in a serial sexual offender: A brief review of the literature and a case report". Journal of Forensic Sciences. 56 (1): 256–260. doi:10.1111/j.1556-4029.2010.01536.x. PMID20707830. S2CID35000730.
Dawson, S. J.; Bannerman, B. A.; Lalumiere, M. L. (2014). "Paraphilic interests: An examination of sex differences in a Nonclinical sample". Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. 28 (1): 20–45. doi:10.1177/1079063214525645. PMID24633420. S2CID541989.
Keppel, R. D.; Walter, R. (1999). "Profiling killers: A revised classification model for understanding sexual murder". International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 43 (4): 417–437. doi:10.1177/0306624x99434002. S2CID144031544.
MacCulloch, M.; Gray, N.; Watt, A. (2000). "Brittain's sadistic murderer syndrome reconsidered: An associative account of the aetiology of sadistic sexual fantasy". The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry. 11 (2): 401–418. doi:10.1080/09585180050142606. S2CID143128026.
Howitt, D.; Sheldon, K. (2007). "The role of cognitive distortions in paedophilic offending: Internet and contact offenders compared". Psychology, Crime & Law. 13 (5): 469–486. doi:10.1080/10683160601060564. S2CID53985904.