Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Shogi" in English language version.
王手をかけられたら, 玉が逃げるなど, 必ず王手を防ぐ手を指さなければなりません。王手がかかっているのに違う手を指すのは反則です. [When your king is placed in check, the king must escape, etc. so you must play moves that prevent checks. If your king is in check, ignoring the check and playing a different move is a violation.]
A: たまにそういう主張をされる方がいらっしゃいますが, そのような規定は一切ありません。 [A: Occasionally you will hear such a thing being asserted, but there is absolutely no such rule at all.]
江戸時代は, それぞれの家元に「大橋流」「伊藤流」という並べ方がありました。現在のでも, その並べ方を用いている棋士は少なからずおります. ただし, 決まりとして「このような並べ方をしなければならない」というものはありません. [In the Edo Era, each Iemoto had their own respective way of setting up the pieces: the 'Ohashi-style' and the 'Ito-style'. Although these two styles are still used today by many professionals, there is really no rule specifying that 'the pieces must be set up in this particular way'.]
Unfortunately, Japanese notation historically uses white triangle (△) to indicate Gote's move and black triangle (▲) to notate Sente's move. Therefore, in Shogi, Black moves first, not White.
Unfortunately, Japanese notation historically uses white triangle (△) to indicate Gote's move and black triangle (▲) to notate Sente's move. Therefore, in Shogi, Black moves first, not White.
王手をかけられたら, 玉が逃げるなど, 必ず王手を防ぐ手を指さなければなりません。王手がかかっているのに違う手を指すのは反則です. [When your king is placed in check, the king must escape, etc. so you must play moves that prevent checks. If your king is in check, ignoring the check and playing a different move is a violation.]