Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Skanderbeg" in English language version.
Kastriota had been sent from Albania as a hostage to the sultan's court and trained at the military academy of Enderum in Adrianople
The son, raised in the pallace as ic-oglani, was according to the procedure of çıkma,... granted a timar near the territories of had a timar near his fathers' territories (Yuvan-eli)...
...who, in Radjab 831 April 1428, informed Venice of his growing anxiety that his Muslim son would be ordered by the sultan to occupy his territory.
Dans deux de ces notes Skanderbeg est mentionné par le titre bey (Juvan oglu Iskender bey), et elles ont été datées par H. Inalcik en 1437/8, au contraire, dans la troisième note marginale, datée en mai 1438, Skanderbeg figure sans le titre de bey, tout comme sur le document dresse par le sandjakbey Mustapha.
Yet in spite of this brilliance in the field, Castriota could do no more than hold his own; reference to the map will show that apart from the Uskiip campaign all these victories took place within the very narrow area of North Albania. ... Nor did the constant victories rob the Ottomans of the territory they held in southern Albania.
Искусни вођа Арнит (Арианит) поче у средњој Албанији већ у августу 1443 године поново борбу против турака.
Ђурађ Кастриот је био велики борац против Турака, али је ипак с времена на време морао да плаћа харач султану. Додуше он је то чинио само у изузетним приликама: или у време жестоких сукоба са млетачком републиком или када је напуштао родни крај и одлазио у Италију, или можда када притиснут огромном турском силом ни на који други начин
Setton, Kenneth M. (1978), The Papacy and the Levant, 1204–1571: The fifteenth century, vol. II, American Philosophical Society, ISBN 978-0-87169-127-9Scanderbeg intended to go "peronalmente" with an army to assist Hunyadi, but was prevented from doing so by Branković, whose lands he ravaged as punishment for the Serbian desertion of the Christian cause.
Setton, Kenneth M. (1978), The Papacy and the Levant, 1204–1571: The fifteenth century, vol. II, American Philosophical Society, ISBN 978-0-87169-127-9While the Venetians of Scutari sold food to the Turks, those of Durazzo aided the Albanians
Božić, Ivan (1979), Nemirno pomorje XV veka (in Serbian), Beograd: Srpska književna zadruga, OCLC 5845972... и напуљског краља Алфонса, за кога ce, одбијен од Млечана, тесно везао ...
...1456 rođen je princ Gjon Kastrioti, Skenderbegov sin ... Hamza ... pobjegao je kod sultana Mehmeda II 1456 godine...
...Скендербега, који му је уступио неки ближе непознати посед за издржавање
...Већ почетком 1461 отишао је са Скендербеговом препоруком у Италију.
...Една година подоцна, по неуспешниот обид да ја освои Албанија, Мехмед Втори на враќање, во Охрид, сомневајќи се дека црквата, болјарите и, веројатно, граѓаните, шуруваат со останатите Албанци, го сменил охридскиот архиепископ Доротеј и за нов епископ го наименувал Гркот Марк Ксилокаров. Имотот на оние Македонци што ги депортирал во Анадолија им бил одземен и разделен на новодојдените Турци.
Stavrides, Theoharis (2001), The Sultan of vezirs : the life and times of the Ottoman Grand Vezir Mahmud Pasha Angelovic (1453–1474), Leiden: Brill, ISBN 978-90-04-12106-5, OCLC 46640850When the Ottoman army arrived Skanderbeg took refuge in Albanian mountains. Mehmed II sent Mahmud Pasha to the mountains, together with the most experienced part of the army, in order to pursue Skanderbeg, while he himself ravaged the rest of the land ... The Grand Vezier spent fifteen days in the mountains, ... However, they did not find Skanderbeg, who had managed to flee to the coast
Stavrides, Theoharis (2001), The Sultan of vezirs : the life and times of the Ottoman Grand Vezir Mahmud Pasha Angelovic (1453–1474), Leiden: Brill, ISBN 978-90-04-12106-5, OCLC 46640850... taking much booty and many prisoners ... Mehmed II after ravaging the rest of the land, went to Kruje and besieged it for several days. When he realized that it would not be taken by assault, he decided to return ...
Volaterranus, Raffaele Maffei (1603), Commentariorum Urbanorum, Apud Claudius Marnium, & haeredes Ioannis Aubrii... Romam deinde cum venisset, mox domum remeauit, vbi paruo post tempore veneno absumptus dicitur. ...
La sua morte, abbiam detto, gettò nel lutto la cristianità poichè i Principi di Europa perdevano con Scanderbeg l'uomo che permetteva loro di guardare con tranquillità alle vicende dell'Europa Orientale. Per Ferdinando invece il dolore fu profondo e disinteressato: egli perdeva l'amico della buona e della cattiva ventura. La lettera di condoglianze che fece rimettere alla vedova del Castriota non è certo un capolavoro di stile,...
E che questa sia la data vera lo dimostra la lettera di condoglianze scritta da Re Ferdinando I di Napoli alla vedova dello Scanderbeg, lettera che porta appunto la data del 24 febbraio 1468.
Ma in una lettera del 24 febb. 1468 il re promette alla vedova di lui «non solamente li lassaremo quello che ce avemo donato, ma quando bisogno fosse li donaremo delli altri nostri beni»
Schmitt, Oliver Jens (2001), Das venezianische Albanien (1392–1479) (in German), München: R. Oldenbourg Verlag GmbH München, ISBN 3-486-56569-9die Skanderbegs Personlichkeit gelassen hatte, nicht zu füllen. Deshalb muste Venedig wie in den Jahrzehnten vor Skanderbeg mit einer Vielzahl von Adligen zusammenarbeiten; neben Leka, Progon und Nikola Dukagjin gehörten zu dieser Schicht auch Comino Araniti, wohl derselbe, der 1466 Durazzo überfallen hatte; die Söhne von Juani Stexi, di Johann Balsha, Machthaber zwischen Alessio und Kruja; Gojko Balsha und seine söhne der woiwode Jaran um Kruja (1477), und auch der mit seinem Erbe überforderte Johann Kastriota.
The story of Scanderbeg ... rests at the heart of the Albanian nation, because it marks the creation of national identity for the Albanian people and their desire for freedom.
Мартина Сегона, по сопственој изјави "српског писца"
Martin Segon je eden najvidnejših humanistov s konca 15. stoletja.
Narrazioni di Giorgio Castriotto, da i Turchi nella lingua loro chiamato Scander beg, cioe Alesandro Magno
Setton, Kenneth M. (1978), The Papacy and the Levant, 1204–1571: The fifteenth century, vol. II, American Philosophical Society, ISBN 978-0-87169-127-9Unfortunately Athanase Gegaj ... had not discovered that the "Anonymous of Antivari" was an invention of Biemmi, nor had Noli even by 1947.
In 1440, he was promoted to sancakbey of Debar
Повеља није датирана ... Стога ће бити најбоље да се за датум издавања ове повеље задржи временски оквир између 1426. и 1431. године ... This act was not dated ... Therefore it is best to assume that it was issued ... between 1426 and 1431.
Taj rukopis je ... postao pre 1500. godine, a po svoj prilici još za vlade Kazimira Jagjelovića (1445–1492) ... Kao što smo već rekli, Konstantin Mihailović je negde između 1497. i 1501. napisao jedino svoje književno delo, koje je sačuvano u raznim prepisima sve do naših dana ... delo napisano verovatno između 1490. i 1497, i to zbog toga što se u njemu Matija Korvin spominje kao već mrtav, a poljski kralj Jan Olbraht kao živ.
deportation of the Archbishop of Ohrid, Dorotei, to Istanbul in 1466, together with other clerks and bolyars who probably were expatriated be-cause of their anti Ottoman acts during the Skender-Bey's rebellion.
Marković, Savo (2004). "Benediktinska opatija svete Marije Ratačke kod Bara, Acta diplomatica et iuridica". Croatica Christiana Periodica. 28 (53).Već 1448. posredovao je u sklapanju mira u sukobu između Mletačke Republike i Skenderbega, koji je pustošio okolinu Bara i Ulcinja [...] U ime Skenderbega nudio je 1450. godine Mlečanima Kroju [...] Kako je Pelinović od 1453–1456. bio i apostolski pronotar,171 sastavljao je Skenderbegove povelje
Martinus Segonus verfasste eine der frühesten "Landeskunden" des spätmittelalterlichen Balkans und eine kurze, aber sehr wichtige biographische Skizze zu Skanderbeg[dead link ]
«Indignato per non aver potuto correre in aiuto di Hunyadi, in una guerra che forse poteva mutare il destino dell'Albania e dell'intera penisola balcanica, Scanderbeg corse per la Serbia saccheggiandola e mettendola a ferro e fuoco, per punire il krajl infedele. Se ne tornò poi a Croia, amareggiato, verso la fine di novembre»
In 1440, he was promoted to sancakbey of Debar
«Indignato per non aver potuto correre in aiuto di Hunyadi, in una guerra che forse poteva mutare il destino dell'Albania e dell'intera penisola balcanica, Scanderbeg corse per la Serbia saccheggiandola e mettendola a ferro e fuoco, per punire il krajl infedele. Se ne tornò poi a Croia, amareggiato, verso la fine di novembre»
Taj rukopis je ... postao pre 1500. godine, a po svoj prilici još za vlade Kazimira Jagjelovića (1445–1492) ... Kao što smo već rekli, Konstantin Mihailović je negde između 1497. i 1501. napisao jedino svoje književno delo, koje je sačuvano u raznim prepisima sve do naših dana ... delo napisano verovatno između 1490. i 1497, i to zbog toga što se u njemu Matija Korvin spominje kao već mrtav, a poljski kralj Jan Olbraht kao živ.
Повеља није датирана ... Стога ће бити најбоље да се за датум издавања ове повеље задржи временски оквир између 1426. и 1431. године ... This act was not dated ... Therefore it is best to assume that it was issued ... between 1426 and 1431.
Božić, Ivan (1979), Nemirno pomorje XV veka (in Serbian), Beograd: Srpska književna zadruga, OCLC 5845972... и напуљског краља Алфонса, за кога ce, одбијен од Млечана, тесно везао ...
deportation of the Archbishop of Ohrid, Dorotei, to Istanbul in 1466, together with other clerks and bolyars who probably were expatriated be-cause of their anti Ottoman acts during the Skender-Bey's rebellion.
Stavrides, Theoharis (2001), The Sultan of vezirs : the life and times of the Ottoman Grand Vezir Mahmud Pasha Angelovic (1453–1474), Leiden: Brill, ISBN 978-90-04-12106-5, OCLC 46640850When the Ottoman army arrived Skanderbeg took refuge in Albanian mountains. Mehmed II sent Mahmud Pasha to the mountains, together with the most experienced part of the army, in order to pursue Skanderbeg, while he himself ravaged the rest of the land ... The Grand Vezier spent fifteen days in the mountains, ... However, they did not find Skanderbeg, who had managed to flee to the coast
Stavrides, Theoharis (2001), The Sultan of vezirs : the life and times of the Ottoman Grand Vezir Mahmud Pasha Angelovic (1453–1474), Leiden: Brill, ISBN 978-90-04-12106-5, OCLC 46640850... taking much booty and many prisoners ... Mehmed II after ravaging the rest of the land, went to Kruje and besieged it for several days. When he realized that it would not be taken by assault, he decided to return ...