van Helmont, Johannes (1644). Opuscula medica inaudita (in Latin). Cologne, Germany: Jost Kalckhoven (Jodocum Kalcoven). p. 53. In Part I: De Lithiasi, page 53, van Helmont mentions that alkalis dissolve silicates: "Porro lapides, gemmae, arenae, marmora, silices, &c. adjuncto alcali, vitrificantur: sin autem plure alcali coquantur, resolvuntur in humido quidem: ac resoluta, facili negotio acidorum spirituum, separantur ab alcali, pondere pristini pulveris lapidum." (Furthermore, stone, gems, sand, marble, silica, etc., become glassy by the addition of alkali: but if roasted with more alkali, they are dissolved in moisture: and the former weight of the stone powder is separated from the alkali and released by simply adding acid.)
Von Wagner, Rudolf (1892; translation of 13th edition by Willian Crookes) Manual of Chemical Technology[1]
Morris Schrero (1922): Water-glass: A Bibliography. Published by Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
della Porta, Giambattista (1569). Magia naturalis sive de miraculis rerum naturalium, libri iiii [Natural magic or on the miracles of nature, in four books] (in Latin). Lyon (Lugdunum), France: Guillaume Rouillé (Gulielmum Rovillium). pp. 290–291. See pp. 290–291, "Crystallus, ut fusilis fiat" (Quartz, so made molten)]
Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1647). Furni Novi Philosophici [New Philosophical Furnace] (in German). Vol. 2. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Johann Fabel. pp. 136–137. See: "Wie durch Hülff eines reinen Sandes oder Kißlings auß Sale Tartari ein kräfftiger Spiritus kan erlanget werden." (How with the help of a pure sand or silica a powerful solution can be gotten from cream of tartar).
Nepomuk von Fuchs, Johann (1825). "Ueber ein neues Produkt aus Kieselerde und Kali" [On a new product from silica and potash]. Archiv für die gesammte Naturlehre (in German). 5 (4): 385–412. From page 386: "Ich erhielt es zuerst, vor ungefähr 7 Jahren" (I first obtained it about 7 years ago).
Emile Kopp (1857): "Sur la préparation et les propriétés du verre soluble ou des silicates de potasse et de soude; analyse de tous les travaux publiés jusqu'a ce jour sur ce sujet" (On the preparation and properties of soluble glass or the silicates of potash and soda; analysis of all works published until today on this subject). Le Moniteur scientifique, volume 1, 337–349, pages 366–391.
Commerce, Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and (1859). Journal. RSA.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
Gerard Lagaly, Werner Tufar, A. Minihan, A. Lovell "Silicates" in Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Wiley-VCH, 2005. doi:10.1002/14356007.a23_661
Bechtold, M. F. (1955). "Polymerization and Properties of Dilute Aqueous Silicic Acid from Cation Exchange". The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 59 (6): 532–541. doi:10.1021/j150528a013.
Kohn, C. (1862). "Die Erfindung des Wasserglas im Jahre 1520" [The invention of waterglass in the year 1520]. Zeitschrift des Oesterreichischen Ingenieur-Vereins [Journal of the Austrian Engineer Association] (in German). 14: 229–230.