Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Soichiro Honda" in English language version.
He was inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame in 1989, taking his place beside Henry Ford, Walter Chrysler, Alfred Sloane of General Motors and Karl Benz.
Mr. Honda wasn't satisfied with the use of a readymade engine, he wanted to engineer and invent the future of his company.
When Gihei Honda learned what his son had done to get to the airfield, he was more impressed with his initiative, determination and resilience than he was angry with him for taking the money and the bike.
Including President Soichiro Honda, there were 34 employees.
All kinds of cars were brought to Art Shokai for repair, making it an ideal place for Honda to work and study, eager–even greedy–as he was in his pursuit of knowledge.
When Soichiro Honda stepped down as president of Honda Motor (September 1973), he was praised by many for his proud and resolute manner.
The Honda Foundation was established in December 27, 1977 by donations from the founder of Honda Motor Company, Soichiro Honda, and his younger brother, Benjiro.
The Type A was basically a ready-made bicycle on which was mounted the first independently designed mass-produced engine to carry the Honda name.
This was the first model in the Dream series of motorcycles.
When Gihei Honda learned what his son had done to get to the airfield, he was more impressed with his initiative, determination and resilience than he was angry with him for taking the money and the bike.
The Type A was basically a ready-made bicycle on which was mounted the first independently designed mass-produced engine to carry the Honda name.
This was the first model in the Dream series of motorcycles.
The Honda Foundation was established in December 27, 1977 by donations from the founder of Honda Motor Company, Soichiro Honda, and his younger brother, Benjiro.
When Soichiro Honda stepped down as president of Honda Motor (September 1973), he was praised by many for his proud and resolute manner.