福士蒼汰、『コナン』で演じた"32歳の声"に悪戦苦闘. cinemacafe.net (in Japanese). April 1, 2014. Archived from the original on July 17, 2024. Retrieved December 15, 2024.
Saito, Yukiko (December 13, 2011). 第48回 福士蒼汰. Cinema Today (in Japanese). Archived from the original on May 28, 2013.
Aki Takayama (December 15, 2016). 『ぼくは明日、昨日のきみとデートする』福士蒼汰&小松菜奈 単独インタビュー ["My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday" Sota Fukushi & Nana Komatsu exclusive interview]. Cinema Today (in Japanese). Archived from the original on May 20, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
Nishimura, Shigeto (October 4, 2017). 福士蒼汰、5年ぶり仮面ライダー役は「俺の原点」 出演の決め手は作品愛. Cinema Today (in Japanese). Archived from the original on April 8, 2023. Retrieved August 24, 2022.
「好きっていいなよ。」動員50万人間近 川口春奈&福士蒼汰、かき氷に舌鼓 ["Say I Love You" attracted nearly 500,000 viewers, Haruna Kawaguchi and Sota Fukushi enjoyed shaved ice]. eiga.com (in Japanese). July 25, 2014. Archived from the original on May 12, 2021. Retrieved November 23, 2024.
Hashimoto, Yuichi (July 7, 2023). 福士蒼汰が突き進む武道の道. Fineboys Online (in Japanese). Archived from the original on January 19, 2024. Retrieved January 19, 2024.
福士蒼汰「あまちゃん」で悩んだ世間の評価とのギャップ「自信もないし能力もない」支えてくれた存在とは [Sota Fukushi: The gap between public opinion and his worries about "Amachan" - "I have no confidence or ability" - Who supported him?]. Model Press (in Japanese). January 19, 2024. Archived from the original on January 20, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
Asami, Minaho (July 19, 2018). 「BLEACH」特集 福士蒼汰×吉沢亮インタビュー (2/2). Movie Natalie (in Japanese). Archived from the original on December 10, 2024. Retrieved August 24, 2022.
Kim, Chae-yeon (June 27, 2024). 김선호♥︎고윤정 본다..홍자매 신작 '이 사랑 통역 되나요?' 넷플릭스 行 [공식] [Kim Seon-ho ♥︎ Go Yoon-jung watching.. Hong sisters' new work 'Can This Love Be Translated?' on Netflix [Official]] (in Korean). Osen. Archived from the original on June 27, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024 – via Naver.
Blue:福士蒼汰 (in Japanese). National Diet Library. Archived from the original on March 4, 2016. Retrieved June 3, 2015.
福士蒼汰の「初めての〇〇」 (in Japanese). National Diet Library. Retrieved June 3, 2015.
あまちゃん. NHK (in Japanese). Archived from the original on March 12, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰. Oricon News (in Japanese). Archived from the original on June 4, 2024. Retrieved November 23, 2024.
福士蒼汰、仮面ライダーから“朝ドラ”にキターッ!. Oricon (in Japanese). Oricon Style. September 7, 2012. Archived from the original on April 8, 2023. Retrieved August 15, 2015.
福士蒼汰、「あまちゃん」人気に感謝 知り合いに“あまロス”多数 [Sota Fukushi is grateful for the popularity of "Amachan" - many of his acquaintances are "Ama-san-less"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). September 30, 2013. Archived from the original on June 12, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
2014年 ブレイク俳優ランキング. Oricon News (in Japanese). December 19, 2014. Archived from the original on June 13, 2024. Retrieved December 22, 2014.
福士蒼汰、私生活では“壁ドン”せず 有村架純も同調 [Sota Fukushi doesn't do the "kabedon" in his private life, and Kasumi Arimura agrees]. Oricon News (in Japanese). February 16, 2015. Archived from the original on April 3, 2015. Retrieved November 23, 2024.
福士蒼汰、殺人犯役でミステリー初挑戦 企画原案は秋元康 [Sota Fukushi takes on mystery drama debut as murderer, original idea by Yasushi Akimoto]. Oricon News (in Japanese). May 16, 2017. Archived from the original on April 9, 2023. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、初舞台は劇団☆新感線 宮野真守とWチームでの初主演「一緒に走っていきたい」 [Sota Fukushi's debut on stage is Gekidan Shinkansen, his first lead role in a double team with Mamoru Miyano: "I want to run with you"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). August 10, 2017. Archived from the original on August 16, 2017. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
櫻井翔、『ラプラスの魔女』で4年ぶり映画単独主演 広瀬すず&福士蒼汰と初共演 [Sakurai Sho stars in "Laplace's Witch" for the first time in four years, co-starring with Hirose Suzu and Fukushi Sota for the first time]. Oricon News (in Japanese). March 20, 2017. Archived from the original on November 3, 2023. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
嵐・櫻井翔主演『ラプラスの魔女』 主役級キャスト勢ぞろいの最新映像公開 [Arashi's Sakurai Sho stars in "Laplace's Witch" - latest footage released featuring all the main cast]. Oricon News (in Japanese). January 23, 2018. Archived from the original on February 7, 2018. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、オレンジ髪の死神に 実写『BLEACH』ビジュアル解禁 [Fukushi Sota plays orange-haired Grim Reaper in live-action "BLEACH" visual unveiled]. Oricon News (in Japanese). July 7, 2017. Archived from the original on March 17, 2025. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰主演『BLEACH』特報解禁 巨大虚とのバトルシーンも [Fukushi Sota's BLEACH trailer unveiled, including battle scene with giant hollow]. Oricon News (in Japanese). February 21, 2018. Archived from the original on August 2, 2022. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰主演『旅猫リポート』 "相棒猫"ナナの声は高畑充希 [Sota Fukushi stars in "The Travelling Cat Chronicles" with Mitsuki Takahata as the voice of Nana, the "cat buddy"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). March 15, 2018. Archived from the original on March 15, 2018. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
石原さとみ、7月期火10ドラマ主演 風変わりなレストランオーナー役「とことん楽しんで演じていきたい」 [Satomi Ishihara to star in July's Tuesday 10pm drama as an eccentric restaurant owner: "I want to thoroughly enjoy playing the role"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). March 28, 2019. Archived from the original on October 23, 2019. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、TBS連ドラ初主演 菜々緒がナチュラル系ヒロイン初挑戦 [Sota Fukushi stars in his first TBS drama series, while Nanao takes on the role of a natural heroine for the first time]. Oricon News (in Japanese). August 5, 2019. Archived from the original on August 5, 2019. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、岡田准一と“5年越し”アクション対決の夢かなえる 「愛情をめちゃくちゃ感じました」 [Sota Fukushi and Junichi Okada realize their dream of competing in an action movie together after five years: "I felt a lot of love"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). May 13, 2019. Archived from the original on May 17, 2019. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
藤原竜也『カイジ』来年1月9年ぶりスクリーン復活 福本氏脚本でオリジナルストーリー&最終章描く [Tatsuya Fujiwara's "Kaiji" will be returning to the big screen for the first time in nine years in January next year, with an original story and final chapter written by Fukumoto]. Oricon News (in Japanese). May 31, 2019. Archived from the original on June 12, 2019. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、明治版シャーロック・ホームズに 『明治開化 安吾捕物帖』ドラマ化 [Sota Fukushi to play Meiji-era Sherlock Holmes in drama adaptation of "Meiji Kaika Ango Torimonochō"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). January 29, 2020. Archived from the original on April 13, 2020. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰主演『明治開化 新十郎探偵帖』12・11スタート [Sota Fukushi's new drama "Meiji Kaika Shinjuro Tanteidouchou" starts on December 11th]. Oricon News (in Japanese). July 22, 2020. Archived from the original on November 21, 2023. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、連ドラでダークヒーロー初挑戦「爽快感を楽しんでいただける作品に」 [Sota Fukushi takes on the role of a dark hero for the first time in a TV drama series: "It's a drama that will give you a sense of exhilaration"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). June 30, 2020. Archived from the original on July 3, 2020. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
綾野剛主演『アバランチ』追加キャストに木村佳乃、福士蒼汰、高橋メアリージュン、田中要次 [Additional cast members added to Go Ayano's "Avalanche" include Yoshino Kimura, Sota Fukushi, Maryjun Takahashi, and Yoji Tanaka]. Oricon News (in Japanese). September 14, 2021. Archived from the original on September 29, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰「原作に対して最大限のリスペクト」 ヒロイン役・山本美月と日本版『星から来たあなた』 [Sota Fukushi: "Ultimate respect for the original work" Heroine Mizuki Yamamoto and the Japanese version of "My Love from the Star"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). January 19, 2022. Archived from the original on February 8, 2022. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、念願の海外進出 スペインで撮影中「楽しんでやれば必ず良いものができると信じています」 [Sota Fukushi, long-awaited overseas expansion, filming in Spain, "I believe that if you enjoy it, you can definitely make something good"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). June 22, 2022. Archived from the original on January 14, 2023. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、海外メディアの取材に通訳なしで対応 撮影中の『THE HEAD』を語る [Sota Fukushi responds to interviews by overseas media without an interpreter, talks about "THE HEAD" currently being filmed]. Oricon News (in Japanese). July 29, 2022. Archived from the original on January 14, 2023. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰の海外ドラマ初出演作『THE HEAD』6・17よりHuluで配信開始 [Sota Fukushi's first appearance in a foreign drama, "THE HEAD," will begin streaming on Hulu from June 17th]. Oricon News (in Japanese). April 20, 2023. Archived from the original on April 24, 2023. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、詐欺加害者専門の悪徳弁護士に テレ東新枠・ドラマ8『弁護士ソドム』で主演 [Sota Fukushi to play corrupt lawyer specializing in fraud perpetrators in TV Tokyo's new drama slot "Attorney Sodom"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). February 26, 2023. Archived from the original on March 20, 2023. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰×松本まりかW主演、映画『湖の女たち』公開時期が11月から来年初夏に変更 配給戦略の事由 [The release date of the movie "The Women in the Lakes" starring Sota Fukushi and Marika Matsumoto has been changed from November to early summer next year. The reason for the distribution strategy]. Oricon News (in Japanese). July 28, 2023. Archived from the original on August 1, 2023. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰×松本まりか、映画『湖の女たち』5・17公開日決定 ずぶ濡れで横たわる意味深な場面写真解禁 [Sota Fukushi x Marika Matsumoto, the movie "Women of the Lake" to be released on May 17th. A meaningful still image of them lying down soaking wet has been released.]. Oricon News (in Japanese). January 26, 2024. Archived from the original on January 29, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、1月期“日10”『アイのない恋人たち』で主演 脚本・遊川和彦氏と初タッグ「新境地になれば」 [Sota Fukushi to star in January's "Nichi10" drama "Lovers Without Ai" teaming up with screenwriter Kazuhiko Yukawa for the first time "If it's a new frontier"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). November 3, 2023. Archived from the original on January 16, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰主演『アイのない恋人たち』男女7人“難解パズル化”「愛も、自分も、見る目もない。」 [Sota Fukushi stars in "Lovers Without Love" as seven men and women who become "a difficult puzzle": "I have no love, no self, no eyes."]. Oricon News (in Japanese). December 17, 2023. Archived from the original on August 25, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、日本人初『愛の不時着』プロデューサーの制作会社と直契約 Netflix『この恋、通訳できますか?』出演決定 [Sota Fukushi becomes the first Japanese actor to sign a direct contract with the production company behind "Crash Landing on You" and appear in Netflix's "Can This Love Be Translated?"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). June 27, 2024. Archived from the original on June 27, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰. Oricon News (in Japanese). Archived from the original on June 4, 2024. Retrieved November 23, 2024.
PROFILE 福士 蒼汰. Ken-On (in Japanese). Archived from the original on April 14, 2024. Retrieved November 17, 2024.
Hashimoto, Yuichi (July 7, 2023). 福士蒼汰が突き進む武道の道. Fineboys Online (in Japanese). Archived from the original on January 19, 2024. Retrieved January 19, 2024.
福士蒼汰、仮面ライダーから“朝ドラ”にキターッ!. Oricon (in Japanese). Oricon Style. September 7, 2012. Archived from the original on April 8, 2023. Retrieved August 15, 2015.
仮面ライダーフォーゼ. Kamen Rider WEB (in Japanese). Archived from the original on December 7, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
あまちゃん. NHK (in Japanese). Archived from the original on March 12, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、「あまちゃん」人気に感謝 知り合いに“あまロス”多数 [Sota Fukushi is grateful for the popularity of "Amachan" - many of his acquaintances are "Ama-san-less"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). September 30, 2013. Archived from the original on June 12, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰「あまちゃん」で悩んだ世間の評価とのギャップ「自信もないし能力もない」支えてくれた存在とは [Sota Fukushi: The gap between public opinion and his worries about "Amachan" - "I have no confidence or ability" - Who supported him?]. Model Press (in Japanese). January 19, 2024. Archived from the original on January 20, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
2014年 ブレイク俳優ランキング. Oricon News (in Japanese). December 19, 2014. Archived from the original on June 13, 2024. Retrieved December 22, 2014.
「好きっていいなよ。」動員50万人間近 川口春奈&福士蒼汰、かき氷に舌鼓 ["Say I Love You" attracted nearly 500,000 viewers, Haruna Kawaguchi and Sota Fukushi enjoyed shaved ice]. eiga.com (in Japanese). July 25, 2014. Archived from the original on May 12, 2021. Retrieved November 23, 2024.
福士蒼汰、私生活では“壁ドン”せず 有村架純も同調 [Sota Fukushi doesn't do the "kabedon" in his private life, and Kasumi Arimura agrees]. Oricon News (in Japanese). February 16, 2015. Archived from the original on April 3, 2015. Retrieved November 23, 2024.
ぼくは明日、昨日のきみとデートする. eiga.com (in Japanese). Archived from the original on February 21, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
Aki Takayama (December 15, 2016). 『ぼくは明日、昨日のきみとデートする』福士蒼汰&小松菜奈 単独インタビュー ["My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday" Sota Fukushi & Nana Komatsu exclusive interview]. Cinema Today (in Japanese). Archived from the original on May 20, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
Asami, Minaho (July 19, 2018). 「BLEACH」特集 福士蒼汰×吉沢亮インタビュー (2/2). Movie Natalie (in Japanese). Archived from the original on December 10, 2024. Retrieved August 24, 2022.
Nishimura, Shigeto (October 4, 2017). 福士蒼汰、5年ぶり仮面ライダー役は「俺の原点」 出演の決め手は作品愛. Cinema Today (in Japanese). Archived from the original on April 8, 2023. Retrieved August 24, 2022.
福士蒼汰、殺人犯役でミステリー初挑戦 企画原案は秋元康 [Sota Fukushi takes on mystery drama debut as murderer, original idea by Yasushi Akimoto]. Oricon News (in Japanese). May 16, 2017. Archived from the original on April 9, 2023. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、初舞台は劇団☆新感線 宮野真守とWチームでの初主演「一緒に走っていきたい」 [Sota Fukushi's debut on stage is Gekidan Shinkansen, his first lead role in a double team with Mamoru Miyano: "I want to run with you"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). August 10, 2017. Archived from the original on August 16, 2017. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
櫻井翔、『ラプラスの魔女』で4年ぶり映画単独主演 広瀬すず&福士蒼汰と初共演 [Sakurai Sho stars in "Laplace's Witch" for the first time in four years, co-starring with Hirose Suzu and Fukushi Sota for the first time]. Oricon News (in Japanese). March 20, 2017. Archived from the original on November 3, 2023. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
嵐・櫻井翔主演『ラプラスの魔女』 主役級キャスト勢ぞろいの最新映像公開 [Arashi's Sakurai Sho stars in "Laplace's Witch" - latest footage released featuring all the main cast]. Oricon News (in Japanese). January 23, 2018. Archived from the original on February 7, 2018. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、オレンジ髪の死神に 実写『BLEACH』ビジュアル解禁 [Fukushi Sota plays orange-haired Grim Reaper in live-action "BLEACH" visual unveiled]. Oricon News (in Japanese). July 7, 2017. Archived from the original on March 17, 2025. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰主演『BLEACH』特報解禁 巨大虚とのバトルシーンも [Fukushi Sota's BLEACH trailer unveiled, including battle scene with giant hollow]. Oricon News (in Japanese). February 21, 2018. Archived from the original on August 2, 2022. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰主演『旅猫リポート』 "相棒猫"ナナの声は高畑充希 [Sota Fukushi stars in "The Travelling Cat Chronicles" with Mitsuki Takahata as the voice of Nana, the "cat buddy"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). March 15, 2018. Archived from the original on March 15, 2018. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
石原さとみ、7月期火10ドラマ主演 風変わりなレストランオーナー役「とことん楽しんで演じていきたい」 [Satomi Ishihara to star in July's Tuesday 10pm drama as an eccentric restaurant owner: "I want to thoroughly enjoy playing the role"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). March 28, 2019. Archived from the original on October 23, 2019. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、TBS連ドラ初主演 菜々緒がナチュラル系ヒロイン初挑戦 [Sota Fukushi stars in his first TBS drama series, while Nanao takes on the role of a natural heroine for the first time]. Oricon News (in Japanese). August 5, 2019. Archived from the original on August 5, 2019. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、岡田准一と“5年越し”アクション対決の夢かなえる 「愛情をめちゃくちゃ感じました」 [Sota Fukushi and Junichi Okada realize their dream of competing in an action movie together after five years: "I felt a lot of love"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). May 13, 2019. Archived from the original on May 17, 2019. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
藤原竜也『カイジ』来年1月9年ぶりスクリーン復活 福本氏脚本でオリジナルストーリー&最終章描く [Tatsuya Fujiwara's "Kaiji" will be returning to the big screen for the first time in nine years in January next year, with an original story and final chapter written by Fukumoto]. Oricon News (in Japanese). May 31, 2019. Archived from the original on June 12, 2019. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、明治版シャーロック・ホームズに 『明治開化 安吾捕物帖』ドラマ化 [Sota Fukushi to play Meiji-era Sherlock Holmes in drama adaptation of "Meiji Kaika Ango Torimonochō"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). January 29, 2020. Archived from the original on April 13, 2020. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰主演『明治開化 新十郎探偵帖』12・11スタート [Sota Fukushi's new drama "Meiji Kaika Shinjuro Tanteidouchou" starts on December 11th]. Oricon News (in Japanese). July 22, 2020. Archived from the original on November 21, 2023. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、連ドラでダークヒーロー初挑戦「爽快感を楽しんでいただける作品に」 [Sota Fukushi takes on the role of a dark hero for the first time in a TV drama series: "It's a drama that will give you a sense of exhilaration"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). June 30, 2020. Archived from the original on July 3, 2020. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
綾野剛主演『アバランチ』追加キャストに木村佳乃、福士蒼汰、高橋メアリージュン、田中要次 [Additional cast members added to Go Ayano's "Avalanche" include Yoshino Kimura, Sota Fukushi, Maryjun Takahashi, and Yoji Tanaka]. Oricon News (in Japanese). September 14, 2021. Archived from the original on September 29, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰「原作に対して最大限のリスペクト」 ヒロイン役・山本美月と日本版『星から来たあなた』 [Sota Fukushi: "Ultimate respect for the original work" Heroine Mizuki Yamamoto and the Japanese version of "My Love from the Star"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). January 19, 2022. Archived from the original on February 8, 2022. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、念願の海外進出 スペインで撮影中「楽しんでやれば必ず良いものができると信じています」 [Sota Fukushi, long-awaited overseas expansion, filming in Spain, "I believe that if you enjoy it, you can definitely make something good"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). June 22, 2022. Archived from the original on January 14, 2023. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、海外メディアの取材に通訳なしで対応 撮影中の『THE HEAD』を語る [Sota Fukushi responds to interviews by overseas media without an interpreter, talks about "THE HEAD" currently being filmed]. Oricon News (in Japanese). July 29, 2022. Archived from the original on January 14, 2023. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰の海外ドラマ初出演作『THE HEAD』6・17よりHuluで配信開始 [Sota Fukushi's first appearance in a foreign drama, "THE HEAD," will begin streaming on Hulu from June 17th]. Oricon News (in Japanese). April 20, 2023. Archived from the original on April 24, 2023. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、詐欺加害者専門の悪徳弁護士に テレ東新枠・ドラマ8『弁護士ソドム』で主演 [Sota Fukushi to play corrupt lawyer specializing in fraud perpetrators in TV Tokyo's new drama slot "Attorney Sodom"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). February 26, 2023. Archived from the original on March 20, 2023. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰×松本まりかW主演、映画『湖の女たち』公開時期が11月から来年初夏に変更 配給戦略の事由 [The release date of the movie "The Women in the Lakes" starring Sota Fukushi and Marika Matsumoto has been changed from November to early summer next year. The reason for the distribution strategy]. Oricon News (in Japanese). July 28, 2023. Archived from the original on August 1, 2023. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰×松本まりか、映画『湖の女たち』5・17公開日決定 ずぶ濡れで横たわる意味深な場面写真解禁 [Sota Fukushi x Marika Matsumoto, the movie "Women of the Lake" to be released on May 17th. A meaningful still image of them lying down soaking wet has been released.]. Oricon News (in Japanese). January 26, 2024. Archived from the original on January 29, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、1月期“日10”『アイのない恋人たち』で主演 脚本・遊川和彦氏と初タッグ「新境地になれば」 [Sota Fukushi to star in January's "Nichi10" drama "Lovers Without Ai" teaming up with screenwriter Kazuhiko Yukawa for the first time "If it's a new frontier"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). November 3, 2023. Archived from the original on January 16, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰主演『アイのない恋人たち』男女7人“難解パズル化”「愛も、自分も、見る目もない。」 [Sota Fukushi stars in "Lovers Without Love" as seven men and women who become "a difficult puzzle": "I have no love, no self, no eyes."]. Oricon News (in Japanese). December 17, 2023. Archived from the original on August 25, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
福士蒼汰、日本人初『愛の不時着』プロデューサーの制作会社と直契約 Netflix『この恋、通訳できますか?』出演決定 [Sota Fukushi becomes the first Japanese actor to sign a direct contract with the production company behind "Crash Landing on You" and appear in Netflix's "Can This Love Be Translated?"]. Oricon News (in Japanese). June 27, 2024. Archived from the original on June 27, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024.
Kim, Chae-yeon (June 27, 2024). 김선호♥︎고윤정 본다..홍자매 신작 '이 사랑 통역 되나요?' 넷플릭스 行 [공식] [Kim Seon-ho ♥︎ Go Yoon-jung watching.. Hong sisters' new work 'Can This Love Be Translated?' on Netflix [Official]] (in Korean). Osen. Archived from the original on June 27, 2024. Retrieved November 18, 2024 – via Naver.