Statuta Valachorum (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Statuta Valachorum" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
3rd place
3rd place
1,922nd place
1,922nd place
low place
low place
2nd place
2nd place
9,538th place
low place
1,734th place
1,312th place
low place
low place
507th place
429th place
6th place
6th place

  • Ştefan Stareţu; Medieval name and ethnicity: Serbs and Vlachs p.81-82 BALCANICA POSNANIENSIA XXII/1 IUS VALACHICUM I doi:10.14746/bp.2015.22.7 [2]

  • Moačanin, Fedor (1977). Gross, Mirjana (ed.). ""Statuta Valachorum" od 14. aprila 1667" (PDF). Historijski zbornik (in Croatian). Zagreb: Savez povijesnih društava Hrvatske / Štamparski zavod "Ognjen Prica". Retrieved 2011-08-05.

  • Hrvoje Petrić, ˙(2007), Who are “the Slovenians” or the Slavonians in the Croatian-Slavonian Military Krajina Region during the Seventeenth Century? {Kršćanski doseljenici u vojnokrajiški prostor Varaždinskog generalata s istoka(Slavonije pod osmanskom vlašću) u izvorima se najčešće spominju kao Vlasi ili Predavci, "Christian settlers in the military district of the Varaždin Generalate from the east (Slavonia under Ottoman rule) are most often referred in the sources as Vlachs or Predavci} p. 32 [1]
  • Mirko Valentić, (1992), O etničkom korijenu hrvatskih bosanskih Srba, #page=14
  • Zlatko Kudelić; (2002) Simeon (1611-1630) - The first uniate bishop of Marča (in Croatian) {u zaključku Hrvatskog Sabora iz 1628. godine, kada su se staleži žalili vladaru da u Krajini pod imenom “Vlaha” živi više starosjedioca (“ljudi naše nacije”), koji su težili doći pod zaštitu krajiških zapovjednika, nego pravih “Vlaha”..."at the conclusion of the Croatian Parliament from 1628, when the classes complained to the ruler that there were more Indigenous people ("our nation's people") living in Military Frontier under name of "Vlach", who sought to come under the protection of Military Frontier commanders than the true "Vlachs".} p. 164 [3]
  • Zlatko Kudelić; (2010) Čaplovičeva povijest Marčanske biskupije (in Croatian) {Tijekom 17. i prve polovice 18. stoljeća pravoslavlje su u Krajini prihvaćali i katolički starosjedioci i katolici doseljeni u nju iz Banske Hrvatske i iz Bosne..During the 17th and the first half of the 18th century, Orthodoxy in Military Frontier was also accepted by Catholic natives and Catholics immigrated to Military Frontier from Kingdom of Croatia and Bosnia} p. 138; [4]
  • Hrvoje Petrić; (2011) The resettlement of „runaway serf in the Varaždin general command. Contribution to the understanding of Early Modern migrations in part of today's northwestern Croatia (in Croatian) {Zagrebački biskup Franjo Ergelski je 1635. tvrdio da je među pravoslavnim Vlasima bila gotovo polovica katolika – dijelom su to bili Slavonci, a dijelom Predavci. Isti biskup se ujedno žalio kako su mnogi kmetovi koji su pobjegli među Vlahe napuštali katoličku vjeru i prelazili na pravoslavlje...The bishop of Zagreb, Franjo Ergelski, claimed in 1635 that almost half of Catholics were among Orthodox Vlachs - partly they were Slavonians and partly Predavci. The same bishop also complained that many of the Croatian serfs who fled among the Vlachs abandoned Catholic faith and convert to Orthodoxy} p. 59; [5]
  • Hrvoje Petrić; (2014), Predavci – A Contribution to Our Knowledge on the Origin of the Population on the Military Frontier {Treba naglasiti i kako se Predavci ne mogu isključivo konfesionalno percipirati, osim ako to izričito ne proistječe iz izvora. U svakom slučaju se u 17. stoljeću radi o većoj skupini stanovništva koja se po onome što govore izvori jasno razlikuje od pravih Vlaha, privatnih Vlaha i Slavonaca. "It should also be noted that Predavci cannot be exclusively perceived confessionally, unless it is explicitly sourced. In any case, in the 17th century, it was a large group of the population, according to the sources they are clearly distinct from the true Vlachs, the private Vlachs and Slavonians.} p. 53 [6]
  • Hrvoje Petrić; (2011), The resettlement of „runaway serf“ in the Varaždin general command. Contribution to the understanding of Early Modern migrations in part of today's northwestern Croatia, {Zagrebački biskup Franjo Ergelski je 1635. tvrdio da je među pravoslavnim Vlasima bila gotovo polovica katolika – dijelom su to bili Slavonci, a dijelom Predavci. "The bishop of Zagreb, Franjo Ergelski, claimed in 1635 that almost half of Catholics were among Orthodox Vlachs - partly they were Slavonians and partly Predavci"} p. 59 [7]
  • Hrvoje Petrić; (2007), Who are “the Slovenians” or the Slavonians in the Croatian-Slavonian Military Krajina Region during the Seventeenth Century? {Posebna kraljevska komisija odredila je 1635 da se Vlasi odvoje: 1) svi odbjegli kmetovi koji su pobjegli na prostor vojne krajine 2) Predavci 3) "Slovenci" ili Slavonci. Nadalje je određeno da krajiški zapovjednici moraju vratiti kmetove ako to zatraže susjedni feudalni gospodari. Unatoč tome kmetovi su i dalje bježali u Vojnu Krajinu pa je 1644 Kralj Ferdinand III morao narediti generalu Slavonske Krajine da spriječi njihovo daljnje naseljavanje na područje Varaždinskog Generalata. "A special royal commission determined in 1635 that the Vlachs be separated 1) all runaway serfs who had fled to the area of the Military Frontier 2) Predavci 3) "Slovenes" or Slavonians. It is further specified that the Krajina commanders must return the serfs if it is requested by neighboring feudal lords. Despite that the serfs continued to flee to the Military Krajina, so in 1644 King Ferdinand III had to order the Slavonian Krajina general to prevent their further settling in the area of the Varaždin Generalate".) p. 31-32 [8]
  • Škiljan, Filip (2014). "Identitet Srba u Hrvatskoj". Croatian Political Science Review. 51 (2). Zagreb: 119.