Streptoduocin (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Streptoduocin" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
2nd place
2nd place
4th place
4th place

  • Shubin H, Heiken CA, Glaskin A, Pennes E, Chakravarty S, Rutberg F (October 1955). "A study of the neurotoxicity of streptoduocin on tuberculous patients". Diseases of the Chest. 28 (4): 447–450. doi:10.1378/chest.28.4.447. PMID 13261867.

  • Shubin H, Heiken CA, Glaskin A, Pennes E, Chakravarty S, Rutberg F (October 1955). "A study of the neurotoxicity of streptoduocin on tuberculous patients". Diseases of the Chest. 28 (4): 447–450. doi:10.1378/chest.28.4.447. PMID 13261867.