Sultanate of Jailolo (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Sultanate of Jailolo" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
6th place
6th place
3rd place
3rd place
441st place
311th place
489th place
377th place
1,772nd place
1,955th place
26th place
20th place
low place
low place
459th place
360th place
low place
low place
low place
low place

  • François Valentijn (1724) Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indien, Vol. I. Amsterdam: Onder den Linden, p. 134-5.[1]
  • François Valentijn (1724), p. 138-9
  • Antonio Pigafetta (1874) The first voyage round the world, by Magellan. London: Hakluyt Society, p. 133.[3]
  • M.F. de Navarrete (1837) Colección de los viages y descubrimientos que hicieron por mar los españoles desde fines del siglo 15. Madrid: Imprenta Nacional, p. 141.[4]
  • Georg Schurhammer (1980) Francis Xavier: His Life, his times - vol. 3: Indonesia and India, 1545-1549. Rome: The Jesuits Historical Institute, p. 63-88.[5]
  • Francisco Colin & Pablo Pastells (1900) Labor evangelica, ministerios apostolicos de los obreros de la Compañia de Iesvs, fvndacion, y progressos de su provincia en las islas Filipinas, Vol. III. Barcelona: Henrich y Compañia, p. 54.[8]

  • Noegroho, A. (1957) "'Tjatatan perdjalanan' dari Provinsi Irian Barat di Soa-Sio, Tidore", Mimbar Penerangan VIII:8, p. 563 [2].
  • T.J. Willer (1849) "Aanteekeningen omtrent het noorder-schiereiland van het eiland Halmahera", Indisch Archief 1, p. 358.[10]
  • M. Adnan Amal (2016) Kepulauan rempah-rempah: Perjalanan sejarah Maluku Utara 1250-1950. Jakarta: Gramedia, p. 48.[13]

  • Daniello Bartoli (1879) L'Asia, Vol. VI. Milano: Pressa Serafino Majocchi Librajo, p. 95.[6]; Emma Helen Blair and James Alexander Robertson (1906) The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Vol. 34. Cleveland: A.H. Clark Company, p. 201-1.[7]

  • Daniello Bartoli (1879) L'Asia, Vol. VI. Milano: Pressa Serafino Majocchi Librajo, p. 95.[6]; Emma Helen Blair and James Alexander Robertson (1906) The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Vol. 34. Cleveland: A.H. Clark Company, p. 201-1.[7]

  • Georg Rumphius (1910) "De Ambonsche historie, Tweede deel", Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 64, p. 101-2.[9]

  • R.Z. Leirissa (1984) "The idea of a 4th kingdom in 19th century Maluku", in Maluku dan Irian Jaya. Jakarta, p. 180; Busranto Latif Doa (2009) "The hidden history of Jailolo" [11]

  • Thomas Hyde (1692) An account of the famous Prince Giolo, son of the King of Gilolo, now in England. London: R. Taylor.[12]