Sydor Rey, Guardian Angel: A Story, tr. N. Guterman, Commentary, vol. 67, No. 2, February 1979, p. 58: see online. The story won the acclaim of readers: cf. Jan Leszcza, "Pochwała" (A Commendation), letter to the editor, Wiadomości: tygodnik (London), vol. 12, No. 2 (615), 12 January 1958, p. 4.
Cf. Sydor Rey, Shulim: A Story, Commentary, vol. 29, No. 4, April 1960, p. 324 (see online).
"Z warsztatu pisarza: rozmowa z Sydorem Reyem — pisarzem — na temat początków jego twórczości literackiej i pierwszych utworów" (From the Workshop of a Writer: A Conversation with Sydor Rey on the subject of His Beginnings as an Author and His First Works), shelf mark 33-T-3926; see Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe (National Digital Archives) online.
Bio on the WIEM reference portal (see online.)
The Sydor Rey Papers, Syracuse University Library in Syracuse (New York). (See online.) Cf. [Anonymous], "Kronika: Sydor Rey w zbiorach Syracuse University" (Chronicle: Sydor Rey among the Holdings of the Syracuse University Library), Wiadomości: tygodnik (London), vol. 21, No. 21 (1051), 22 May 1966, p. 6.
"Inwentarz Michała Chmielowca", Biblioteka UMK w Toruniu (Nicolaus Copernicus University Library in Toruń), shelf mark AE/MC/XI (see online).