R. A. Martin, The Date of the Cleansing of the Temple in John 2 : 13-22 in Indian Journal of Theology, Volume 15, Issue 2, pp.52-56. [22]
K. M. George, Church of South India: Life in Union, 1947-1997, Jointly published by Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, New Delhi and Christava Sahitya Samithi, Tiruvalla, 1999. pp. 46, 65-67, 97, 104-108. [2]
The Church of England Yearbook, Volume 115, Church Information Office and Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1999, p.330. [3]
The Church of England Yearbook, Volume 117, Church Information Office and Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2001, p.373. [4]
The Church of England Yearbook, Volume 113, Church Information Office and Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1997, p.315. [6]
The Church of England Yearbook, Volume 114, Church Information Office and Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1998, p.314. [7]
Mar Aprem, Indian Christian who is who, Bombay Parish Church of the East, Mumbai, 1983. pp. 43 and 69. [8]
James Elisha Taneti, History of the Telugu Christians: A Bibliography, Scarecrow, Plymouth, 2011, p.84.[10]
P. Swarnalatha, The World of the Weaver in Northern Coromandel, C.1750-c.1850, Orient Longman, Hyderabad, 2005, p.44.[11]
Susan Billington Harper, In the Shadow of the Mahatma: Bishop V. S. Azariah and the Travails of Christianity in British India, William B. Eerdmans Publishing, Michigan, 2000, p.180.[12]
H. S. Wilson, The Church on the move: a quest to affirm the biblical faith; essays in honour of Peddi Victor Premasagar, Bishop in Medak and Moderator of the C.S.I., presented on the occasion of his Shastiabdapoorthi celebrations, Christian Literature Society, Madras, 1988, p.vi.[14]
G. Babu Rao, S. Israel (Translated), The Book of Ruth, The Man You Cannot Ignore, The Bible Society of India, Bangalore, 1976. [15][16]
Church of South India Synod, Rt. Rev. George Cornelious T. is the new bishop of the Krishna Godavari Diocese of the Church of South India, Tuesday, 29 May 2018.[17]
The Senate of Serampore College (University) is a University within the meaning of Section 2 (f) of the UGC Act, 1956 under which a University means a University established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, a Provincial Act or a State Act, and includes any such institution as may, in consultation with the University concerned, be recoginsed by the Commission in accordance with the regulations made in this behalf under this Act. The UGC took the opinion that the Senate fell under the purview of Section 2 (f) of the said Act since The Serampore College Act, 1918 was passed by the Government of West Bengal.[20]
The Andhra Pradesh Auxiliary has been relocated from Secunderabad to Guntur in February 2016. See BSI auxiliary office opened in Guntur in The Hindu, Guntur, 3 February 2016. [1]
Celebrations begin at St. John's Church, The Hindu, 19.12.2016.[23]
Sankar Ray, The Hindu (Business Line), 11 April 2008 Almost a century later, the charter was endorsed officially under the Bengal Govt Act IV of 1918. Internet, accessed 30 November 2008. [19]