淡江校訓 :樸 實 剛 毅 樸是樸儉無華 存誠抱樸 實是實踐力行 守法務實 剛是剛柔相濟 無欲則剛 毅是毅然果敢 志道弘毅 Tamkang University Motto: Simplicity Truthfulness Firmness Perseverance
Simplicity stands for unassuming plainness, sincerity and honesty.
Truthfulness represents vigorous implementation, law abiding and thoroughness.
Firmness symbolizes the blending of toughness and gentleness, with uprightness and impartiality.
Perseverance signifies courageous determination, with virtue and liberality of mind. "The logo and motto of TKU". tku.edu.tw. Tamkang University. Retrieved 2011-05-12.