Williams, Archibald (1904). The Romance of Modern Invention (3 ed.). Philadelphia; London: J. B. Lippinscott Company; C. Arthur Pearson, Ltd. p. 80. Retrieved 20 October 2023.
Williams, Archibald (1904). The Romance of Modern Invention (3 ed.). Philadelphia; London: J. B. Lippinscott Company; C. Arthur Pearson, Ltd. p. 77.
Williams, Archibald (1904). The Romance of Modern Invention (3 ed.). Philadelphia; London: J. B. Lippinscott Company; C. Arthur Pearson, Ltd. pp. 72–82.
Chicago, Illinois. Reading the teleautograph in the trainmaster's office of the Union Station. The messages originate in the interlocking tower and are carried to teleautographs in various parts of the station; the trainmaster's office, the passenger agent's office, information desk, etc., photograph by Jack Delano, Feb. 1943 Feb., Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection (Library of Congress).