Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Tetovo" in English language version.
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: CS1 maint: location (link)The 25 per cent ethnic Albanian minority living along the western border with Albania were growing increasingly dissatisfied with their second-class status. They had elected a tough new leadership in the de facto Albanian capital, Tetovo, and were determined to voice their anger at their perceived human rights abuses through mass street demonstrations.
The Macedonian Albanians greeted Kosovo's declaration of independence with great rejoicing and substantive celebrations were organzised in capital Skopje and in Tetovo, "capital city" of the Macedonian Albanians.
When the Ottaman reform programme known as the Tanzimat, begun in 1839, imposed new taxes and centralised the administration, disempowering local feudal magnates and introducing Anatolian administrators. The arrest of refractory Albanian leaders led to an uprising in 1843 that drove Ottoman officials from most major towns. After three weeks of fierce fighting, Kalkandelen fell to the rebels and became the headquatres of the Albanian Great Council, which demanded the rescinding of the reforms. The sultan sent Omer Pasha, with a force of 30,000 men and shelled Kalkandelen for several weeks, arrested the rebel leaders and ended the uprising..
The western, predominantly Albanian, zone was given over to the Italian-sponsored 'Greater Albania' .
The Italian military intelligence service, OVRA (Opera Volantario per la Regressione Dell' Autifasismo), formed the 'Ljuboten' Battalion in Tetovo made up of ethnic Albanians from the region. The unit was given the task of uncovering, questioning and annihilating any resistance to the occupation. After the surrender of Italy on 8 September 1943, the German forces retained it, allowing its members to keep their Italian-issued uniforms and weapons. Members of the Balli Kombetar later joined the battalion.
На денешен ден, 19 ноември, во 1944 година, Тетово е ослободено во Втората светска војна од страна на Третата, Тринаесеттата, Четиринаесеттата и Деветнаесеттата македонска бригада, како последен ослободен град на територијата на Македонија. [On this day, November 19, 1944, Tetovo was liberated in the Second World War by the Third, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Nineteenth Macedonian Brigades, as the last liberated city on the territory of Macedonia.] а во Егејскиот дел на Македонија биле формирани Костурско-леринскиот баталјон, Воденскиот македонски баталјон и потоа Првата егејска бригада, која зела учество во борбите за ослободување на Тетовско и Гостиварско. [and in the Aegean part of Macedonia, the Kostur-Lerin Battalion, the Voden Macedonian Battalion and then the First Aegean Brigade, which took part in the battles for the liberation of Tetovo and Gostivar, were formed.]
Јас како борец на Осмата велешка ударна бригада директно учествував во ослободувањето на Тетово. Тоа беше добро осмислена акција на Народно-ослободителната војска. Градот го нападнавме од неколку страни. Отпорот на балистите и на фашистите, кои тогаш го држеа Тетово, беше многу слаб. Видоа дека војната е изгубена и дека ние сме добро организирана и вооружена воена сила и затоа не дадоа некој поголем отпор, туку побегнаа од градот. Ослободувањето на Тетово има и една друга димензија. Тетово беше последен град во Македонија кој беше ослободен од фашистичкиот окупатор и од домашните предавници, па неговото ослободување воедно значеше и ослободување на цела Македонија", се сеќава д-р Никола Стојановски, претседател на Сојузот на борците на Македонија. [As a fighter of the Eighth Veles Shock Brigade, I directly participated in the liberation of Tetovo. It was a well thought out action of the People's Liberation Army. We attacked the city from several sides. The resistance of the Balli Kombetar and the fascists, who then held Tetovo, was very weak. They saw that the war was lost and that we were a well-organized and well-armed military force, and therefore they did not put up any major resistance, but fled the city. The liberation of Tetovo has another dimension. Tetovo was the last town in Macedonia to be freed from the fascist occupier.]
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