Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Thallium poisoning case of Zhu Ling" in English language version.
北京公安发表的微博通篇都把朱令称为朱令令。[lit. “Beijing Police called Zhu Ling as Zhu Ling-ling in the whole article of their Weibo post.”]
朱令令,女,时年22岁,北京市人,清华大学化学系92级学生。Cited in: 王嘉宁 (20 April 2013). "铊中毒案结办? 朱令家属称不知". 新京报. Archived from the original on 21 April 2013.
It's the lack of justice, the unfairness and the feeling that people with privilege can get away with anything," said Ms. He, an automotive engineer from China who now lives in Michigan. "People have just had enough.
北京公安发表的微博通篇都把朱令称为朱令令。[lit. “Beijing Police called Zhu Ling as Zhu Ling-ling in the whole article of their Weibo post.”]
朱令令,女,时年22岁,北京市人,清华大学化学系92级学生。Cited in: 王嘉宁 (20 April 2013). "铊中毒案结办? 朱令家属称不知". 新京报. Archived from the original on 21 April 2013.
朱令令,女,时年22岁,北京市人,清华大学化学系92级学生。Cited in: 王嘉宁 (20 April 2013). "铊中毒案结办? 朱令家属称不知". 新京报. Archived from the original on 21 April 2013.