Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "The Barricades" in English language version.
(Enquired what indicates that military dictatorship is starting) Pirmkārt, mēs visi ļoti labi atceramies Eduarda Ševardnadzes uzstāšanos Tautas deputātu kongresā un viņa brīdinājumu (English: First of all we all remember very well Eduard Shevardnadze's address to the Congress of Soviets and his warning)
Jo mēs zinām, ka Preses namā tagad drukā tikai komunistu presi. (English: Because we know that in Preses Nams now only communist press is printed)
Protams, ka uzbrukums Lietuvai mums ir jāsaprot kā uzbrukums Latvijai un Igaunijai. (English: Of course, we should perceive the attack on Lithuania as an attack on Latvia and Estonia)