Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "The Chosun Ilbo" in English language version.
. 일제강점기엔 일왕 생일 충성 맹세 / 5·16쿠데타 비호, 5·18 항쟁 먹칠 / 김일성 사망 오보 34년 만에 정정 / 고비마다 진실 비틀며 왜곡 일삼다..[.Pledge of allegiance on the birthday of the emperor during the Japanese colonial era / Protection of the 5/16 coup d'état, disgrace of the 5/18 uprising / Misinformation on the death of Kim Il-sung corrected after 34 years / Twisted and distorted the truth at every juncture...]