Carte 1851, p. 289: "... on May 3 [1641], by the advice of his council in England, wrote to the lords justices, declaring his pleasure that his subjects in Ireland should enjoy the benefit of all the said graces according to the true intention thereof ..." Carte, Thomas (1851) [1st pub. 1736]. The Life of James Duke of Ormond. Vol. I (New ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. OCLC1086656347. – 1613 to 1641
Carte 1851, p. 289: "... on May 3 [1641], by the advice of his council in England, wrote to the lords justices, declaring his pleasure that his subjects in Ireland should enjoy the benefit of all the said graces according to the true intention thereof ..." Carte, Thomas (1851) [1st pub. 1736]. The Life of James Duke of Ormond. Vol. I (New ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. OCLC1086656347. – 1613 to 1641