The March of the Kings (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "The March of the Kings" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
124th place
544th place
3rd place
3rd place
26th place
20th place
low place
low place
321st place
724th place
1,422nd place
low place
low place
low place
1st place
1st place
6th place
6th place

  • "Léon Durocher has just released three new songs (...). The third is titled: Marche de Turenne; he adapted the verses from it to the famous air of Lulli. » Tad Lunedou, "A la reliure!", in Le Fureteur breton, t. 3, 1907-1908, Paris, 1908, p. 142, online.

  • Abbé Louis Valla, Histoire d'Aramon, Temps anciens-Administration-Temps modernes, Montpellier, Impr. de la Manufacture de la Charité, 1900, pp. 256, 697-703, online.
  • Abbé Louis Valla, Histoire d'Aramon, Temps anciens-Administration-Temps modernes, Montpellier, Impr. de la Manufacture de la Charité, 1900, pp. 256, 697-703, online.
  • The initial confusion probably comes from the edition dated 1790 by the Avignon publisher Antoine Offray, which gave the "March of the Kings" after Saboly's carols. See G. Clément-Simon, "Limousin", in Bulletin de la Société des lettres, sciences et arts de la Corrèze, publisher Musée A.-Mazeyrie, 1911, p. 168-172, online.
  • Gustave Clément-Simon [fr], « Limousin », in Bulletin de la Société des lettres, sciences et arts de la Corrèze, publisher Musée A.-Mazeyrie, 1911, p. 168-172, online.
  • "The carol attributed to King René, and which was called in the County of Avignon the March of the Kings." (Félix Clément, "Arlésienne (L')", in Dictionnaire lyrique ou Histoire des opéras, ed. Pierre Larousse, 1881, p. 774, online.)
  • Joannès Plantadis, "Musiciens du Limousin", in Bulletin de la Société scientifique historique et archéologique de la Corrèze, Brive, 1897, p. 183-184, online.

  • Manuscript n°1256 called "recueil de Castellant" ("Castellant collection"), t. II, p. 126; see Joseph Clamon, "Bizet et le folklore provençal", in Revue de musicologie, t. 19, no. 68, November 1938, p.151, online. The "recueil de Castellant" (1742) is also present in the manuscript n°5741 at the same library.

  • William D. Crump, The Christmas Encyclopedia, McFarland, 3d ed., 2001, p. 278, partly online.
  • William Studwell, Frank Hoffmann and B. Lee Cooper, The Christmas Carol Reader, Routledge, 2012, p. c2, online
  • "'La Marche des rois', from Provence, may have been, in the thirteenth century, one of the first carols to omit Latin entirely, along with W Żłobie Leży in Poland." (Judith Flanders, Christmas, A History, Macmillan, 2018, online.
  • Catholic University, Paris, July 1837, p. 88, online; included in Joseph d'Ortigue, article "Orgue" in the Dictionnaire Liturgique, Historique et Théorique de Plain-Chant et de Musique d'Église au Moyen Age et dans les Temps Modernes, ed. Migne, 1853, col. 1139.
  • François Vidal, Lou tambourin, Aix-en-Provence et Avignon, 1864, p. 258, online. The melody is given there in B flat minor.

  • Silvano Rodi (translated by Marie-Noëlle Turcat), booklet Musique d'Occitanie, ed. Elegia Records, 2010, [1] Archived 2016-03-03 at the Wayback Machine.

  • Maurice Guis, Marche des Rois, cathédrale Saint-Sauveur d'Aix-en-Provence, L'Académie du Tambourin, undated, online.
  • Maurice Guis, Marche des Rois, cathédrale Saint-Sauveur d'Aix-en-Provence, L'Académie du Tambourin, undated, online.

  • Manuscript n°1256 called "recueil de Castellant" ("Castellant collection"), t. II, p. 126; see Joseph Clamon, "Bizet et le folklore provençal", in Revue de musicologie, t. 19, no. 68, November 1938, p.151, online. The "recueil de Castellant" (1742) is also present in the manuscript n°5741 at the same library.
  • Joseph Clamon, "Bizet et le folklore provençal", in Revue de musicologie, t. 19, no 68, November 1938, p. 152, online.
  • Joseph Clamon, "Bizet and Provençal folklore", in Revue de musicologie, t. 19, no 68, November 1938, p. 150, online.

  • Silvano Rodi (translated by Marie-Noëlle Turcat), booklet Musique d'Occitanie, ed. Elegia Records, 2010, [1] Archived 2016-03-03 at the Wayback Machine.

  • The initial confusion probably comes from the edition dated 1790 by the Avignon publisher Antoine Offray, which gave the "March of the Kings" after Saboly's carols. See G. Clément-Simon, "Limousin", in Bulletin de la Société des lettres, sciences et arts de la Corrèze, publisher Musée A.-Mazeyrie, 1911, p. 168-172, online.
  • Gustave Clément-Simon [fr], « Limousin », in Bulletin de la Société des lettres, sciences et arts de la Corrèze, publisher Musée A.-Mazeyrie, 1911, p. 168-172, online.