G. C. Williamson, ed. (1903), The Anonimo. Notes on Pictures and Works of Art in Italy Made by an Anonymous Writer in the Sixteenth Century (trans. Paolo Mussi), London: George Bell and Sons, p. 102 [1]
"Avicenna". global.britannica.com. Retrieved 2 November 2014.
Neil K. MacLennan and Ross S. Kilpatrick, King Solomon & the Temple Builders: A Biblical Reading of Giorgione's Painting "The Three Philosophers". Heredom 9 (2001)
"Writers following [Johannes] Wilde [in 1932] regarded Giorgione's figures as the Three Wise Men on the grounds that one of them may have been black. After [Jaynie] Anderson argued in 1979 that x-raydiographic evidence cannot determine underlying color, the view that the Three Philosophers were Magi has not been repeated". David Alan Brown and Sylvia Ferion-Pagden, Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, and the Renaissance of Venetian Painting. National Gallery of Art and Kunsthistorisches Museum, p. 164 (2006 exhibition catalog).